purplequeenvt - Ivy Knoll Farm


Herd Master
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
Rineyville, KY
I don't think so. He doesn't have any neurological problems, he's just too weak to stand or keep his head up. I am hoping for the best, but expecting the worst.


Herd Master
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
Rineyville, KY
Today has been a better day. I handled every single one of our aged ewes, yearling ewes, and lambs - all 67 of them. I was checking their state of anemia, body condition, etc... I even de-liced (de-loused??) all of them and weighed all the lambs. It took forever seeing as it was only me doing what we normally have 3 people doing. But it is done and most of them look really good.

Athos is still alive, but he is back in his comatose state. He isn't really comatose, he's just too weak to move. His ears twitch towards me whenever I talk to him. Poor baby.

Now that I've shared all the boring/depressing stuff I'll talk about something more interesting.

As I was working with the sheep this afternoon, Squoze, the giant ewe lamb, was sad because her mummy had already been treated and kicked out of the pen. Squoze cried at the fence for a while, but then came into the shed and was watching me. I had been catching a lamb at a time, put them in the small treatment pen,check them over, weigh, treat, and record, and then I would open the gate at the other side of the pen and let the sheep out into the main paddock. Anyway, Squoze had been watching me do this routine with several lambs and, when I was done with my current lamb and opened the gate to get the next, Squoze came over, walked into the pen, and climbed onto the scale all by herself. She then stood there quietly as I checked her eyes, her condition, and squirted de-licer on her back. Lyd would be so proud of her baby! :)

Another interesting animal....Dino Chicken....I think her name is really Maya or something like that (again, Lyd's), but I call her Dino Chicken. She is a big, fat Partridge Rock and she runs like a T-Rex. Since I started loosing birds to the mystery creature I've been locking the important chickens (like Mr. Frizzle! He even gets his own crate :lol:) in dog crates for the night. Dino Chicken for the past couple nights is the only chicken who has learned the routine. Everyone else is scattered around on the perches, but there in the back of the crate is Dino Chicken. She always looks very smug and self-satisfied, like she has the best spot in the crate and no one is going to take it from her....


Herd Master
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
Rineyville, KY
I'm sorry if this thread has turned depressing.....but bear with me a little longer.

It has been a long, hot, stressful, upsetting, horrible, depressing week. Between the sick sheep, the dead sheep, my sick sister (she is doing tons better though!), and now some emotionally trying problems with another family member. I can't go into any details about this last one, but please keep my family in your prayers. We have been through a lot in the past 4 years.

I haven't lost any other sheep besides the 2 ewes. I thought I had lost a lamb on Friday. I went out 1st thing in the morning to check everyone and little Flo was flat on her side in the mud. I didn't see any movement at all, but when I got over to her she opened her eye and looked up at me. She was pretty skinny and the day before she had fallen over when I pushed her out of the way. My speculation is that she got know over by the other sheep as she was trying to eat and got trampled into the ground and she was to weak to get up. I pulled her up, she stumbled around for a while until she got her balance back. I gave her a horrible trim to get the wet, stinky, poopy wool off her. I think she is still mad at me about that.

Athos is still alive. He is super weak, but alive. No more fever, only slightly dehydrated, poops a ton(!). Now I think we just have to hope that we can get him up again. I've been moving him around every day so that he isn't constantly in one position and I drape him over a hay bale once a day so he can stretch his legs out. I'm hoping to put together a sling so that he can be suspended and have his legs down where he can start trying to use them again. He isn't eating a ton of hay (too hard for him maybe?), but he is eating a lot, relatively speaking, of grain. He and Flo are in an "ICU" pen together. I think having Flo with him is cheering Athos up. She sleeps next to him at night.

Thank you for letting me vent a little. I promise that I will try to be less depressing in the future!

Maybe I'll talk about something more interesting tomorrow....how does living organ donation (a topic very close to my heart) sound? Or sheep showing? We have a couple fairs coming up soon.


Loving the herd life
Jan 11, 2012
Reaction score

a living organ donation sounds great! if you have the time to deal with a surgery (cours after you get the sick sheep feeling better) and someone to watch them for a bit, go for it ;)


Herd Master
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
Rineyville, KY
CochinBrahmaLover=) said:
:hugs a living organ donation sounds great! if you have the time to deal with a surgery (cours after you get the sick sheep feeling better) and someone to watch them for a bit, go for it ;)
I am already a donor! I was part of a large chain of donors and recipients and I gave my kidney to a stranger so that my brother could get one that matched him. I will tell all about my experience soon. Living donation is not for everyone, but I would encourage everyone to at least consider it.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
purplequeenvt said:
CochinBrahmaLover=) said:
:hugs a living organ donation sounds great! if you have the time to deal with a surgery (cours after you get the sick sheep feeling better) and someone to watch them for a bit, go for it ;)
I am already a donor! I was part of a large chain of donors and recipients and I gave my kidney to a stranger so that my brother could get one that matched him. I will tell all about my experience soon. Living donation is not for everyone, but I would encourage everyone to at least consider it.
Good for you! Giving such a gift is a wonderful thing.



Loving the herd life
Jan 11, 2012
Reaction score
purplequeenvt said:
CochinBrahmaLover=) said:
:hugs a living organ donation sounds great! if you have the time to deal with a surgery (cours after you get the sick sheep feeling better) and someone to watch them for a bit, go for it ;)
I am already a donor! I was part of a large chain of donors and recipients and I gave my kidney to a stranger so that my brother could get one that matched him. I will tell all about my experience soon. Living donation is not for everyone, but I would encourage everyone to at least consider it.
Oh wow. Didn't realize you alwready had!

:hugs for better days :)

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