Oh my goodness aren't those Game bantam frizzle cochins cute! I really like them. They are quite interesting looking. Sort of like a prettier version of a vulture chicken kind of bird. And don't get me wrong. I think vultures are beautiful.
I've decided that I need to find a different Shetland ram this year. The one I was using, Maple Man (same ram as last year) had a run in with the Burdizzo earlier in the year, but my friend who owns him didn't think that it had worked and I check his testicles months ago and they were both full size. I brought him home last week and he has shown no interest in the girls....I checked his testicles again and sure enough, they are now small and raisin-ish. Oh well! I loved the babies I got from him this spring and I wish I could use him again. My friend has a black ram lamb that I am going to use instead. Hopefully that works out better.
Life is crazy (as usual). We've had rain almost everyday for the past week or so. Makes it kind of hard to get the last of the hay in. I haven't taken any pictures of the new Shetland ram yet....darn rain....but he is cute. Lyd and I were told to come up with a name for him, so we've been calling him Fritz. Interesting story about Fritz.....
We picked him up from my friend, got him home, and I walk him down to the pasture where his new girlfriends are and put him in with them. They did the usual "hi, how are you?" sheep thing and all seemed fine. I then headed off to fiddle around with some other sheep. An hour or so went by, the rain started up again, it was beginning to get dark. I finished the project I was working on, turned the fence back on, and decide to check on Fritz one last time before going inside. He was gone. The fence was still up, the ewes were still there, but no Fritz. I couldn't see him anywhere nearby, so I went into the field on the other side of brush and there he was. Leaving. Heading for the hills. I chased him down through knee deep, soaking wet grass and finally, when he realized I was following him, he stopped and let me come over to him (did I mention he is pretty friendly?). I had to carry him all the way back up the field to the barn because he was too short for me to walk him by his head. He spent the next few days with the ram lambs and then I put him back with his girls and he seems happy now. Good thing he's cute.
It suddenly hit me that it is October and it is getting a lot colder, so yesterday I spent all day cleaning the chicken coop and getting it winterized. The coop now feels very warm and cozy (can a chicken coop be cozy??). It must be comfortable because the chickens that have been escaping everyday stayed in today.
Today was our town's 12th annual tractor parade. We brought a bunch of critters (we've been bringing animals to the parade for almost as long as the event has been happening).
Lyd brought Cleopatra and Alfonso. They are growing so well, you wouldn't know that they're bottle lambs.
This is what happens when you try to eat near our sheep....
Tomorrow's schedule is chicken slaughter. Not really looking forward to it, but it has to be done.
Great pictures. Looks like your tractor parade and petting zoo-type stuff was lots of fun. Your scenery is just beautiful
You could send some of that rain our way too, PLEASE!