The goats are still around. They've decided that it is in their best interest to lay low for a while. There was talk of goat roast. They are doing well with the sheep, they ignore most of them, but they love Moe and the Shetland yearlings. They haven't been picking on the lambs either. I'm hopefully getting a buckling sometime soon that I will breed them to in the fall.
Gus in his bathtub. I avoid taking pictures of him this time of year because he is so dirty and scruffy looking. And just wait until he starts shedding! White goat hair EVERYWHERE!
Buttercup and her mom Babs. I was told that Babs was full Friesian and the Buttercup's dad was a Friesian/Texel cross, but I'm not seeing Texel in her anywhere. Buttercup is anywhere from 3/4 to full Friesian.
Babs, she passed away this past summer.
Friesians are notoriously bad with parasites. I'm hoping that crossing them with our Dorper/BL cross ram and/or BL rams that we can get a growthy, meaty lamb with good milk potential (for the girls) and a stronger resistance to worms. I kept two of the Friesian/Shetland/maybe Texel/Dorper/BL cross ewe lambs from last year and I may keep a couple (the girl from Buttercup and one from Illa) from this year.
Thanks for posting these PQVT! Buttercup looks a lot like a Harlequin. You are probably not too familiar with them, they are local to this area. They have the wider snouts and the multi-colors like that. Cute! Sorry about Babs. I often wonder what happens when sheep get old. How do they usually die? I have a couple older Romneys here. There are so sweet, like Grandmas. In fact the little lambs sleep next to them at night. They look a lot like that one sheep in your picture with the goats "Chillin' with Moe." In fact, my Marge looks just like her!
Moe is a Romney. We've had a few old ewes that have died peacefully in their sleep, we've also had some that got sick and had to be put down. I've heard of Harlequins, but have never seen one in person.
The plan is to milk the goats next spring. We are getting a boyfriend for them soon.