Herd Master
Congrats - they're both beautiful!
Congrats on your lambing - just found and read the whole thread. Losing 2 ewes from prolapse was rough, although you made the right decision to cull. Sometimes we have to be tiugh to be kind. I am not familiar with your breeds except Southdown so who sired Eskimo's lamb? Can you tell since you identified the color pattern? Do you use the wool for hand spinners? Other than a show flock do you sell locker lambs? I am interested in hearing what others do with their lambs ands wool.
Wow - that's very interesting - you must have a lot of pasture acreage. How do you make the wool into blankets?
We have no grass pasture, just brush forage. We keep a tiny herd of Dorsets - 1 ram, 6 ewes, and 4 lambs (3 due to go to slaughter, 1 ewe lamb we will keep) on 5 acres. They are used to clear all the brush since we are in a bad fire area in southern CA and have to maintain clearance of 200 feet around all buildings, fences and roads. Not a problem on a tractor, but since we are perched on extremely steep hillsides we can't use a tractor or mower. We are older and retired and also can't get up and down easily anymore. Our kids are grown and grandchildren are too young to clear for us. It became cheaper to feed hay half the year, have lamb in the freezer and for sale, than hire a crew to cut every year. We are going to try the fleeces with commercial processing and then spinning. If they turn out well, we may have a small market for them. I made my husband take the spinning class with me and he loved it - he is better than I am! LOL I was surprised you sheared in the winter in Vermont. I used to shear several times a year when I was young and we didn't want the fleece. Those sheep were 4-H sheep and tame. These sheep are not tame, although they are trained and pretty docile. I have had Hamps that lived to kill you! I also get lambs every 7-8 months year round which is nice, since I don't have to find meat buyers (or freezer space) for a lot of lambs at once.
Peta is alive and well here in the area and just shut down a youth livestock auction at a local FFA high school program. What they expect those poor kids to do with the animals they bought and fed for 3 or 4 months I don't know. But I am sure the Peta members were celebrating as they gobbled their hamburgers at the local fast food place!