We had a surprise this morning. Izzy (1/2 Border Leicester 1/2 Romney) lambed. She was not supposed to be due until March, but apparently she had a liaison in July (our ewes have never cycled that early without help from drugs). We thought that she was bred to a BL ram, but based on how the lambs look, the Demon Ram (Shetland) had some fun.
We discovered her giant udder last night while trying to get a tarp up in the barn. We are bitterly cold at the moment. It was -15 with the windchill. She got locked up in a small pen with a heat lamp overnight just in case and sure enough, she lambed this morning.
What a beautiful bunch of lambs. So sorry about the ewe your sister lost. It is so hard to do the right thing and she sure had a hard decision to make.