We had a very busy morning in the barn. Ruby was in labor when we them checked at 7:30 am. She had a 13.7 lb ram.
Iridium (Ira)
A couple hours later, Gallium, had girl/boy twins.
Platinum (Patti) and Gold
Both ewes are doing really well as first time moms (and some of the stupidiest ewes in the barn too). No hesitation about what they were supposed to do.
Yesterday's boy from Lucia, Osi. You can still see his bloodshot eyes.
This is the tail on Osi. So fat! He barely felt the band.
Our chickens like using the sheep to keep their toes warm. The sheep don't seem to mind.
Maud's boy
We weighed the fall lambs (81-84 days) today and they are all (except the 2 Shetlands and the 2 Shetland crosses born December which were 30-35 lbs) 45 to almost 55 lbs. Thula, the bottle lamb, was one of the 55 lb lambs.
Maud's girl
Anita - she is the one that lost her twins about a month prematurely.
Anita has a temporary home at our neighbor's house (she also has sheep). She is wanting to milk a sheep to make soap and her one "dairy" ewe (Anita's daughter) is bred, but she'll also be raising her 1-2 lambs so there won't be much milk to go around for a while. Anita's udder, despite lambing 3-4 prematurely and NOT getting milked out after lambing, filled right up. When the neighbor said she'd take her, I went out and milked Anita out. She's a dream to milk and I got a quart from her. Impressive given that she lambed 5 days ago and was never milked out. Imagine how much she'll be giving once she starts getting milked consistently and being fed like a dairy animal!