Purplequeenvt - New Journal


Herd Master
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
Rineyville, KY
The Shetland show on Sunday was frustrating, but it was the outcome I was expecting so Iā€™m not majorly disappointed. All my sheep were bottom of the class, but I have a vastly different fleece type from the typical ā€œshow Shetlandā€. They are all technically within breed standard, but I prefer a softer finer fleeced animal and the judge liked a ā€œconsistentā€ straight/slightly wavy primitive fleece. Itā€™s easy for a fleece to be consistent if itā€™s staple is long and straight.

Iā€™m really not sure why I bother showing the Shetlands because until there is better education of the judges and the wide variations allowed in the breed, my sheep wonā€™t stand a chance at any big show. They have a better chance at a small fiber festival type show.

I might try again next year if I can figure how to manage my fleeces obsessively all summer.

The other part that made the show so frustrating was that we didnā€™t even get in the ring until around 10p. The junior show dragged on forever thanks to the million and one Suffolk classes. The Shetland show only took 1.5-2hrs, but the rest of the breeds scheduled on Sunday didnā€™t finish until 2a! šŸ˜±

The open Border Leicester and Lincoln shows were today, along with a bunch of other breeds. Honestly, I didnā€™t spend a lot of time watching the breed shows besides the ones I was actually familiar with or new someone showing. My sister has natural colored Border Leicesters and white Lincolns. She only brought 1 Lincoln fall ewe lamb. She also brought a Corriedale ram lamb for someone else.

They had 2 rings running at the same time with different breeds. There was a slight scheduling conflict between the white Lincoln show (my sister needed to help someone/show her one ewe) and the white BLs (she was supposed to be helping the young man I bought Bruno from with his yearling ram). She was able to sneak away from the Lincolns just in time to help with the BL ram and then I got roped into helping show Bruno and the young manā€™s ewe lamb.

My Bruno did so well! He won his age class. Not really a huge deal because there were only 2 in the class, but the judge said a lot of nice things about him. He didnā€™t stand a chance against the older rams in the champion drive, but we already knew that going in. The big thing for me was that he won Best Headed White BL Ram. Breed character of the head/ears is a HUGE thing in BLs. He was also pulled out into the top 3 in Best White BL fleece. I took him in both the Best Head and Best Fleece classes because his shepherd was rather pooped out by then.

The natural colored BL show was short as there werenā€™t many sheep entered. My sister was the only one with a flock (4 ewes, 1 ram for that class) and all but a few of the sheep in the show were bred by her. So even when she lost a class, she still technically won since it was a sheep she bred. She was frustrated by a lot of the placings because it was the opposite of where she felt her sheep should be (like putting her nicer ewe behind her 2nd best ewe).

Some white Dorpers for @Ridgetop. I have absolutely no idea who won what in this show, I just took a couple pictures for you.

Miss T came to help her Auntie L show.

She helped me feed. And yes, she wrangled all 3 bags all the way to my pens. I offered to help, but she was determined to show me that I was wrong to think she needed help. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø

We are all done showing. None of ours made it to the Supreme Champion classes on Thursday. I have to work tomorrow, I mean today. My sister will go up to feed everyone in the morning. A friend, who is a professional shearer, is at the show because she and her partner are paid fitting and show help for one of the BL flocks. Sheā€™s going to shear my sisterā€™s show flock tomorrow and is also going to shear my 2 yearling Shetland ewes. They are the last of my Shetlands in need of shearing (still have to do the BL) and while I can shear then, $10 and thatā€™s 2 less for me to do.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I would think a judge would prefer a finer fleece on the Shetlands. After the pictures you post of the exquisite items you make, from shearing to finished product, you need to rub the judgeā€™s face in one of them. The pictures you post are unbelievably beautiful. I just wish I could touch one!

Isnā€™t fleece what Shetlands are raised for? Itā€™s not like they are a primary meat breed. I guess itā€™s like other show animals. A working class show dog is all show and no go. Sad. You keep doing your sheep your way. You are the winner in my book any day.


Herd Master
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
Rineyville, KY
We got an early release and are packing up this afternoon. Thereā€™s no reason for us to stay through tomorrow since none of our animals are in the supreme drives.

Itā€™s good though because my sister and I both have the ā€œLouisville Crudā€. Iā€™m not too bad right now, just a mildly annoying sore throat and a bit of congestion and coughing. Also, my poor baby Shetlands and super stressed. They didnā€™t give us enough pens so my ewe lambs had to get penned with my yearling ewes and the yearlings have gotten territorial and are being mean.

I thought my yearling ram had been stolen when we got here this morning. His pen was still tightly shut, but no ram. We went to the announcers booth to see if anyone had reported finding a rogue Shetland ram. The girl we talked to hadnā€™t heard anything, but took my number. On the way back to our pens we asked a few people and someone overheard us and said sheā€™d found him and locked him up down a different aisle.

Freaking ram had jumped out of the pen. Heā€™s back in his pen and will be tied up until we load up this afternoon. Heā€™s already tried to jump out again.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Whatā€™s a good time without catching the Crud? I hope yā€™all feel better after yā€™all get home.

Poor little ewes! Mean ol yearlings! LOL I know they will be glad to get back home!

Yā€™all be safe driving home!


Herd Master
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
Rineyville, KY
Whatā€™s a good time without catching the Crud? I hope yā€™all feel better after yā€™all get home.

Poor little ewes! Mean ol yearlings! LOL I know they will be glad to get back home!

Yā€™all be safe driving home!

Iā€™ve got a fever now so thatā€™s fun. šŸ˜• All the sheepies are back home safely. The ewes are back with their friends and the boys are locked up in the barn so they can get acquainted. Thereā€™s lots of shoving and tongue wagging going. šŸ¤£

I was going to go back up to the fairgrounds tomorrow to get the last few things and watch the supreme drive. Also, my dad is flying in for a short visit and the airport is next to the fairgrounds. My sister decided to attend the Lincoln breeders meeting and that starts at 0730. I do not have it in me to drag myself out of bed that early again. Iā€™m going to do some serious sleeping.


Herd Master
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
Rineyville, KY
Iā€™m mostly recovered from the Crud. I feel fine, Iā€™m just slightly congested now with an occasional cough.

Weā€™re doing Thanksgiving on Friday this year due to my work schedule. I did my shopping this morning as I absolutely refuse to go on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Iā€™ve gotten a start on cooking. Iā€™m simmering a turkey carcass to make stock for gravy and such. Turkey is thawing in the fridge. Iā€™ve still got to cut up the bread to dry for the stuffing.

Iā€™m doing normal stuffing (or is it dressing if it isnā€™t stuffed in a turkey?) and gluten free stuffing. Iā€™ve been gluten free for around 15 years and thereā€™s a few other people that will be at dinner that are also GF.

Iā€™m going to attempt GF dinner rolls as well. I can make just about any dessert into a GF version, but yeasted breads are tricky. Store bought GF rolls arenā€™t that great though so Iā€™m going to give it a try.


Iā€™m trying a new feeding plan for the lambs. Iā€™m waiting to pull the last ram until I can see if 2 of the ewes re-cycle again and then the ewes and lambs will have to live together for the winter. The lambs will need to be fed grain, but I donā€™t want to supplement the ewes until close to lambing.

So hereā€™s the plan: every day during chores, all 10 ewe lambs will be caught, haltered, and tied. They will then each get their own feed pan with a specific amount of feed.

How it went Day 1: Lots of angry, screaming lambs who refused to eat their grain because they were tied up. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø šŸ¤£

Any bets on how many days it takes them to stop being upset?


The rams were successfully released from lockup this afternoon. Theyā€™ll probably have to get locked up again when Banff gets pulled from the ewes.


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Iā€™m mostly recovered from the Crud. I feel fine, Iā€™m just slightly congested now with an occasional cough.

Weā€™re doing Thanksgiving on Friday this year due to my work schedule. I did my shopping this morning as I absolutely refuse to go on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Iā€™ve gotten a start on cooking. Iā€™m simmering a turkey carcass to make stock for gravy and such. Turkey is thawing in the fridge. Iā€™ve still got to cut up the bread to dry for the stuffing.

Iā€™m doing normal stuffing (or is it dressing if it isnā€™t stuffed in a turkey?) and gluten free stuffing. Iā€™ve been gluten free for around 15 years and thereā€™s a few other people that will be at dinner that are also GF.

Iā€™m going to attempt GF dinner rolls as well. I can make just about any dessert into a GF version, but yeasted breads are tricky. Store bought GF rolls arenā€™t that great though so Iā€™m going to give it a try.


Iā€™m trying a new feeding plan for the lambs. Iā€™m waiting to pull the last ram until I can see if 2 of the ewes re-cycle again and then the ewes and lambs will have to live together for the winter. The lambs will need to be fed grain, but I donā€™t want to supplement the ewes until close to lambing.

So hereā€™s the plan: every day during chores, all 10 ewe lambs will be caught, haltered, and tied. They will then each get their own feed pan with a specific amount of feed.

How it went Day 1: Lots of angry, screaming lambs who refused to eat their grain because they were tied up. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø šŸ¤£

Any bets on how many days it takes them to stop being upset?


The rams were successfully released from lockup this afternoon. Theyā€™ll probably have to get locked up again when Banff gets pulled from the ewes.
šŸ¤£ love the day 1 result. šŸ¤£šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰