purplequeenvt's 2014 Lambing Thread


Herd Master
Aug 1, 2011
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Rineyville, KY
13 lambs and 2 kids born in the past 3 days. My little sister have been going pretty much non-stop since 6 am on Wednesday. So tired. :\ Not everything has gone smoothly, but so far we haven't lost any lambs besides Beryllium.

Summing up the week.....

Valerie started us off on Wednesday morning with twin boys (pictures up there ^ somewhere). She's been an excellent first time mother and is taking great care of her boys.

Maud surprised us with her black ewe lamb Wednesday afternoon (also shown above). She is also a first time mom and has been wonderful with her baby.

Hetty, the goat, had her girl and boy shortly after Maud had her girl (also shown above). We took her babies away right off as we are going to be milking her. She's been great at the whole milking thing and her babies are thriving.

Thursday afternoon Jazmin had two gorgeous black lambs, a boy and a girl. They are purebred Border Leicester, but are not registered, unfortunately. That is a huge bummer as the ram is perfect. Jazmin had no milk and paid absolutely no attention to her babies. They moved inside with the goat kids and the orphan lamb, Esmeralda.

Oxygen and Fluorine

Penny lambed Thursday evening with twin girls, one white and one black. We've had some trouble with her, she didn't like her black (she had one white lamb last year). She wasn't being aggressive towards it, but she wouldn't let her nurse. We've gotten that problem fixed, but now she seems to be low on milk so we are supplementing the babies.

Neon and Sodium (AKA Anchovy)

10 pm Friday evening, our old lady Galadriel popped out a 14 lb white ewe lamb. Galadriel is an old pro and got her baby up and going right away.

This morning is when the real craziness began. I went out to check everyone around midnight and found Rebecca, our ewe that keeps prolapsing, was in labor. Thankfully we got the baby out alive and her uterus stayed where it was supposed to. We left them in peace to do their bonding thing. We went back out 30 minutes later to check on them. Rebecca was being dumb and not her nurse, so we left them together for another 45 minutes to let them figure things out. When we checked again, Rebecca was laying on her lamb. Another 5 or 10 minutes and she would have been dead. At this point Rebecca was smashing her lamb into the wall and was trying to kill her so we pulled the lamb. Rebecca has made the Sausage List. Prolapsing and then rejecting her lamb....bad sheep!

My sis and I continued our hourly barn checks because we had several ewes really close to lambing and lambs that needed close attention and we are in the middle of another brutally cold spell.

8:30 this morning Hera had twins. A white boy and a black girl. They are doing ok, but mom is having udder trouble - wondering if maybe she had an injury last year that went unnoticed. :idunno Those babies are getting supplemented too.

Right as I was getting Hera settled and was milking Rebecca (if she's not going to care for her baby, the least she can do is give some milk to help out), Steve decided it was the right moment to pop out twin girls. She was the picture perfect mother and all in that family are doing well.

We are half way through lambing and have another couple ewes in the first group to go. Then we have a small break and the next wave goes. Hopefully not as problematically as the first group.

My sister and I are hoping to get a good nights sleep tonight after all the insanity of the last few days. The bottle baby count is up to 4 lambs and 2 kids.


Herd Master
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
Rineyville, KY
We are up to 5 bottle lambs. Our oldest, most experienced ewe decided that she didn't want her lamb (born on 2/28). I am so heart broken over this one. Her beautiful girl will be fine, thankfully, but we almost lost her. We were so busy with all the other problems last week that we didn't notice that Galadriel wasn't feeding her lamb. Whenever we were out there they were cuddled up under the heat lamp, so we assumed that all was well. It wasn't until Sunday (3/2) that we discovered what was going on.

I was out trying to get pictures of the babies that I had missed due to the stress, baby Magnesium (Maggie) included. When I got to her jug, I picked her up and set her on the far side of the pen to get a picture of her. She stood there all hunched up and empty looking and the stumbled back to her mother. I brought her inside and took her temperature - it was 91.2. We got her on the bricks next to the woodstove and let her warm up. After a while she was a little perkier and wandering around the room with the other bottle babies. We gave her a bottle which she sucked right down. We had to go to church at this point (3:30 pm) so we put her in a crate in the entry room with a buddy to finish warming up. When we got home about 7 pm, she was back up to temp and hungry so we brought her back out to mom (keep in mind this a ewe that has lambed 8 times and has raised many singles, twins, and triplets). Her mom got up and sniffed her, but then proceeded to kick her in the head every time Maggie tried to nurse. It took both me and my sister holding the ewe up to get her to nurse her lamb without kicking her or falling on top of us. Maggie moved inside with all the other bottle babies.

My sister and I are now milking 1 goat and two sheep (Galadriel and Rebecca, the ewe that prolapsed and then rejected) 3 times a day to feed everyone. We are trying to sell the two goat kids and Jazmin's twins.

Aluminum (Minnie), Rebecca's ewe lamb.

Esmeralda (AKA Princess)

Penny's girls:


Sodium (Anchovy)

Hera stepped on and killed her ewe lamb yesterday morning. This is her boy, Silicon.

Steve's girls, Sulfur and Chlorine


Jazmin's ewe lamb, Fluorine (Flori)

Galadriel's girl, Magnesium (Maggie)

Sleeping Beauties

One of these things is not like the others.....

Lucie (Border Leicester) is looking very close to lambing. Her belly and udder are larger than I've ever seen them before. She could easily have triplets.


Herd Master
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
Rineyville, KY
I've been horrible at keeping this updated. It's been a very discouraging season.

Lucie had twin boys 3/4, Sally had one boy also on 3/4, and Cami had one boy on 3/14.

Cami's baby was extra special because she was supposed to be bred to our ram Sebastian and, shortly after being removed from the breeding groups, Cami got attacked by an unknown dog and had her face torn up a bit. Nothing life-threatening, but enough to potential cause an abortion. In December a couple rams broke in with the ewes and they were following Cami around as if she were in heat. We figured that she lost her lamb and was now bred to either a Shetland or a Border Leicester for May. I've been telling my sister for about a month that there was no way that she was going to wait until May and then a few days ago she had a gorgeous white ram who is obviously out of the correct ram.

Lucie's boys:


Potassium (Tater)

Sally's boy, Calcium

Cami's boy, Scandium


We traded two of the bottle lambs for a 2nd dairy goat.

This is Skeptical Anne. She's a really sweet girl.

We added another bottle lamb. Her mother laid on one of her babies and killed her and, when we weighed the remaining baby, she hadn't gained any weight since she was born (10 days at that point). She's our sweet Baby Anchovy (actually named Sodium).

My sister bought a buckling that we will breed our two does to this fall. This is Theodore, a registered Alpine.

These are our bottle babies right now.

Maggie (front), Gamgee (next to Maggie), Theodore (behind Maggie), Esme (white lamb under heat lamp), Minnie (next to Esme), Anchovy (walking away/squatting to pee), Mrs. Jones (goat in back).

Steve and her girls.

We are down to the last 6 ewes. One is a Border Leicester and the other 5 are Shetlands. They are all due any day, but the Shetlands look like they might drag things out a while. We also have Fern, the Jersey cow, due really soon ("due date" was 3/15).


Loving the herd life
Mar 16, 2013
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I've been loving reading your thread... I love the lambies!!!

And i hope your last few will give you an easy time and be good mummies!


Herd Master
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
Rineyville, KY
We are done to one last ewe. Of the 5 Shetlands, the first - the oldest ewe who was the only one bred to my ram, Eugene - had a stillborn girl. Moorit, spots, pattern (katmoget, if you know any Shetland patterns), and female. EVERYTHING that I was wanting. I was so upset. I don't know if she was born dead or was born still in the sack or what.

The 3 first timers have all gone as off 3:30 this afternoon. Eden started us off at 3 am on Friday morning with a spotted moorit girl, Eloise had a black gulmoget ram at 3 pm on Friday, and Fae had a black gulmoget ewe at 3:30 pm today. All nice babies. We are still waiting on Ingrid. She will most likely have twins. I'm hoping for at least one girl from her to fill out my show flock. If she has 2 girls, she will continue the pattern of the past 2 lambings of all girls except one.

Eden's ewe

Eloise's ram (Fae's girl looks just like him)



Herd Master
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
Rineyville, KY
A few lamb pictures from today.

The bottle lambs:

Minnie - 4 weeks

Maggie - 4 weeks

Anchovy - 4 weeks

Esme - 5 weeks

Some of the other lambs:

Nitra (5 weeks) and her mom, Maud

One of Steve's girls, Chlorine (4 weeks)

Scandium (2.5 weeks)

He knows he's good looking

Celia's Little Frogs, Titanium and Vanadium (AKA Kermit) - 1.5 weeks


I sheared 3 of the Shetlands today. Freyja is so little and cute!