I have a pygmy goat (or at least a very little goat) that came to us over a month ago now all "bagged up" and looking ready to pop and STILL NO BABIES! Grab a stiff drink and kick back and wait my friend....these little goats are horrible at making you wait! Evil, EVIL small creatures that are amazing at waiting themselves it would seem! But very cute...and sweet....so at least they make the wait well worth it If your goat kids before MY goat kids I will be very jealous....very VERY jealous!
I think mine is going to kid tonight becasue she has a little stuff coming out the rear and she wont eat much. Plus she wont even move unless you give her a really good push.
Did you get babies yet? Cause we got TRIPLETS!!! I'm posting pics RIGHT after this! Hows it going for ya? Well I hope in all sincerity...just had to share though!