Pygmys crossed with a Boar!!???

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
We have Standard and dwarf sized goats.
I wouldn't risk any of my dwarf girls. We have seen too many that have lost the doe and all the kids... others the trauma and expense was enormous for those that did make it.

Horrible way to have a doe die and awful to watch them suffer in agony trying to deliver a 7-10 lb kid. The smaller goats kids weight are 2-4 lbs.

I am not a fan of terminating for an oops breeding but at the same time this is much more of an issue than it just being an oops breeding.

Kidding, like lambing is wonderful, joyful, stressful and will make ya nuts... but at the end of the matter, like your sheep... you want to see the goat alive and healthy.:)


Loving the herd life
Sep 24, 2010
Reaction score
New York
I think personally I was give them lute to abort. I have never ever done that but if it was me I would most definitely do it. By the end of "kidding" you may not have any does or kids left.


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
Reaction score
There is no more helpless feeling than laying on your belly in the barn, hand inside a doe and feeling a head that you KNOW will never, ever make it out of that opening. You also know that even IF you can find a vet in the middle of the night, and even IF he will come out for a goat and do a C-section, that you are very, very likely to lose all the babies and the mother.

IF you've gotten mom there in time and IF he's a good vet you might get babies and save mom. IF not you're paying 3 or 4 hundred dollars just to try and save a doe that may never breed again. Even if you get to take the mother and the babies home, the babies may die because they were under so much stress for so long... mother's milk probably won't come in because of the stress. If the babies are alive you probably will need to tube feed because they aren't strong enough to nurse. Mom won't let the babies nurse anyway because of the pain. She won't eat, she has no interest in the babies or anything else. In a couple of days you're exhausted, the doe dies and what have you gotten out of this experience? Nothing but heartache... Been there, done that.

When I first got into pygmies - this was what I have personally gone through with a pygmy to pygmy breedings. I am terrified for these 4 does being bred to a Boer.

However, I am not their owner and can't make this decision for them. Our animals depend on us to make decisions that are for their well-being. Maybe they will be ok. I would never take that chance. I will say that it is much less stress on doe and owner to abort these pregnancies and live to fight another day.

Just trying to save some heartache here... Good luck in whatever decision you make.


Chillin' with the herd
Dec 26, 2013
Reaction score
Here's a question... once a doe has kidded, how soon can she be expected to come into season again? I mean... with horses, the mare will be ready to breed again within just a few days of giving birth. What's the standard time for does? (I ask because I DO NOT want my does bred back until this fall!

edited to add...
The question is regarding year round breeders.

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