PYR PUPS ARE HERE! pics finally


Loving the herd life
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
Kamloops, BC, Canada
bj taylor said:
what a great nursery set up.
thanks....I wasn't sure what to do exactly so I used straw bales but I have had a couple stinkers squeak through the bales so have stuffed the joints with small logs and now have graduated to a 2x6 blocking the entrance as they were squirming there way over the 4" fence post I had laying across the entrance. I love the Costco kennel/dog run set has been so valubale as a quarantine, dog detention, lambing jug and now whelping it is 15' off my bedroom window so I can shine a flashlight and check on them in the middle of the night, without leaving the house! I know you all wish you would have thought of that one! ;)

The only trouble is I have to let her out in order for her to run around and bark, do her business...unfortunately she keeps going back into the massive tunnel she dug as she really would prefer to be in the cool dirt 15 feet underground. Today I was staring down the hole that I had blocked with a bucket as I could not find her anywhere...I pulled the bucket and called down the hole a couple minutes later I can see the white head in the shadows...she starts whining and wiggling as I call her to come up...she's stuck...she turns sideways and starts paddling dirt out of the way until she wriggles herself free and makes the next 8 feet up to the surface...CRAZY DOG! She doesn't know that she's not back to her pregnancy figure yet! :th

In her defense, she emerges with a cool coat, it must be like a fridge down there because her fur actually feels cold when she comes up...I'm sure she would haul her puppies down the hole if she had the chance! I'm going to take a measuring tape and actually see how deep it goes because it has to be one for the record books!


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Haha, my GP has holes under the deck-one at each end. When it rains, they fill up with water and it flushes her out. But then the water cools it back off and back under the deck she goes. I also water her holes to give her cool relief from the heat. The darn chickens go in her holes too! :he So I don't let them out of the coop/run until mid to late afternoon or else they would lay under the deck and I wouldn't get any eggs!