DOE CODE... She's up wandering around her pen today.. No kids. Still has her tummy intact. HMMMM.... Her hips look delivery mode, but she's acting kind of halfway there. NO goo... I'm wondering if she's just having Braxton Hicks.
Um, uh... still no babies. I guess it was a false alarm. BUT, Jelly Bean looks like a watermelon with four legs. She is gigantic and getting bigger by the second. She positively waddles. She is quite cheerful about it all.
I am really hoping she is having quads and not an Ian or Trump Card kid. I penned her with Houdini for breeding, but you never know... Her udder keeps on getting bigger and bigger as well. Last time it wasn't nearly as big, but then she went through some pretty rough times before kidding last year.
Cross your fingers folks.
Mama in the meantime is due in two weeks. Jelly Bean, Brownie, and Dot are due in 4 to 6 weeks. I am not sure about Polka... I think she is open.
Mama is due in 6 days. Jelly Bean is just getting bigger and bigger and has a great big udder now. Dot has a nice udder going and Brownie has a big ol' tummy... Up next... Mama!
UH OH, Polka miscarried one doeling... Just about 3 months gestation. It was a Houdini baby. Clearly not a normal kid, though. Abdomen not closed. Bummer! But better to lose it now than to get all the way through the pregnancy and have a deformed kid later.
Mama is getting closer and closer and poor little Jelly Bean looks like a ball with sticks for legs!