Queen Mum's Dancing in the Rain


Owned by the Rotten Heifers
Oct 10, 2011
Reaction score
The Natural State
Queen Mum said:
DonnaBelle said:
Those are some SERIOUS HORNS. Have any of them ever tried to use the horns on you? I've only got one goat with horns. She was raised by herself, then I paid $25.00 for her, so she could try to kill me with them.

Well, she hasn't really tried to kill me, but she definately prefers DH over me. I stay the h**l away from her, and of course, now she's his pet.

Ian and Trump Card (the two with the biggest horns) were raised as pack goats and Pack goats need their horns for cooling on long hikes. But they didn't get wethered for a couple reasons. I don't keep aggressive animals around. Because I do raise and sell pack and cart goats, I breed for gentle, mild temperament. However, my boys and girls have NEVER used their horns on me, EVER. If they ever did, I would flip them on their side and give them a serious talking too while holding them down on the ground and squirting them in the face with cold water.

Ian and Trump Card are both very sweet and gentle. They are bottle babies and they are very well trained. When I have to do a "procedure" on any of the goats with big horns, I usually put a pair of bicycle handlebar grips on the tips of the horns to prevent any accidents. But in actuality, the boys are pretty respectful. Houdini (the guy with no ears) is also pretty well behaved, even when he is mad at me, and never ever head butts.

Of course, being bucks they do head butt each other, but in fact, it's mostly sparring. It's one of the things I like about their personalities. None of the 5 of them are aggressive bucks. Ian got in a fight with an aggressive buck when we were in Texas and has never fought since then in any serious capacity. Trump Card argued with Houdini once and Houdini flipped him on his back and pushed him five feet across the pasture up hill then turned around and stalked away. It was pretty comical. Since Houdini is 1/3 his size. Trump Card hasn't argued with Houdini since. Now the two of them sleep together every night all snuggled up in a corner together.

BJ and Jack, the white Mini Boer and the black Nigerian Dwarf belong to Autumnprairie. And they are also very gentle little goats. They are also not aggressive at all.
Bj is a full boer but just 6 months old

Queen Mum

Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
Dardanelle, Arkansas
Sorry about that. I just thought he was a small goat. Right now, he's out referee'ing a sparring match between jack and Ian. They are arguing over who gets the punching bag hanging from the tree. While they are arguing, Houdini is sparing with the punching bag.

MMM, I made the best bean stew last night. YUM, a little bacon fat, beans, potatoes, carrots, rice, garlic, lemon juice, onions, tarragon, some Mrs. Dash and a little sesame oil. It turned out very tasty. Amazing what you do with herbs and spices.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Your bean stew sounds yummy. What type of beans did you use? I'm partial to black beans myself.


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Morrow Co ~ Ohio
Queen Mum said:
February 21, 2012
Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice.

- Steve Jobs
A great quote by a great revolutionary mind.

Queen Mum

Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
Dardanelle, Arkansas
Another day with the boys. We put up two extra hot wire strands and Houdini has tried the fence one time. HE made an AWWK! sound and ran back to the other side of the buck paddock looking quite 'shocked'. He hasn't tried since.

Since then, he comes up to the gate for treats whenever I go outside of my back door and down the stairs. (The gate is at the bottom of the stairs. He's really quite cute when he does that. So, I've got to start bringing him something nummy to eat. He doesn't like peanuts but he does like carrot shreds and he LOVES raisins. He also likes alfalfa pellets. I can hardly wait till the first of the month so I can get some more treats.

Yesterday we cleared out the barn and fixed the floor and put the milkstand in. We did some much needed hoof trimming AND we got Jelly Bean up on the milking stand. She was pretty upset at first to be caught on the milk stand, but we let her have some food up there. And we both, Autumnprairie and I, talked very quietly to her and touched her very carefully. Pretty soon she was more comfortable with being there. We didn't do any 'procedures' on her. That would have been too much of a scary introduction to the milk stand.

Jelly Bean sure doesn't like Molly, the LGD. She head butts her every time she comes near. She is getting more trusting every week.

I had kind of a rough day today. I had an appointment that went OK, but then I got home and did some work for Autumnprairie and right in the middle of the job I got a roaring case of bad tummy problems. I finished up the job and went straight home to with a nasty case of the shivers and the get-out-of-bed-and-run-to-the-bathroom-every-10-minutes syndrome. Now all I want to do is lay around and sip juice and water but I can't resist my BYH addiction.

Darned GAS.