Queen Mum's Dancing in the Rain

Queen Mum

Nov 1, 2009
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Dardanelle, Arkansas
Not a good day today. I was flossing my teeth this morning, getting ready to go to the doctor and my tooth fell OUT! ARGH! When I sat down on the bed to take a look in the mirror, I sat on my glasses which are now 4 years old. I bent what is left of the frames and the arm fell off again and the other one bent catty whampus. After I taped the one arm back on, they refuse to stay on my face.

I went to the doctor and he said my wrist, elbow, arm, shoulder, neck and back have deteriorated to the point that I need surgery. He recommended physical therapy to stave off the surgery, but that is an hours drive away and I can't afford either the gas or time to go three times a week. Since I'm allergic to both anti-inflammatory medications and pain medications, I just have to live with it. Pain level is 9 out of possible 10.

Then he suggested that I need to eat more and have better nutrition, because I am losing too much weight too fast. HOW CAN I LOOSE TOO MUCH WEIGHT!? I weigh 186 pounds. I need to weigh 150 pounds. And better nutrition, on my budget? You have got to be kidding!

SO he gave me muscle relaxants. The pharmacist said they would make me "mildly" drowsy. I made the mistake of take one and slept all DAY! Wasting a whole day of time that could better have been spent building a stand for the rabbit hutches. AND they make me nauseous. Like that is going to make me want to eat and have better nutrition.

Thank God for goats and bunnies and chickens and farm animals, because when I woke up, there were cute little kids playing outside and the bunnies were hopping around in their cages and the chicks were looking happy to see me today. And the dogs wagged their tails and came up and said hello.

Without them life would be positively depressing today.

Queen Mum

Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
Dardanelle, Arkansas
Thanks Elevan.

Much better day today. I took one of those muscle relaxants and slept better last night. I started my exercises this morning that the doctor recommended AND looked up some more on line. I like to do what would be termed as "self care". AND I strongly believe in self determination. Right now I am looking out the window at all the goats out grazing with their babies and the boys laying around, the little sots, chewing their cuds.

I have lots of work to do today will wrap my arm so it has some support so I can get some work done! UP NEXT, bunny cage stands and rototilling. I like the rototilling. The vibration seems to make my arm feel better. Ultrasonic vibration the farm way!


Queen Mum

Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
Dardanelle, Arkansas
Darn it. The tiller was not driving last night and so I thought the belt was just disengaged. Took off the cover and the belt is all worn out. Rats! Good day for working outside too. Well, I guess it's bunny cage holders today.


Called to update my address with the insurance today... The lady for the umpteenth time read me the wrong address. I have corrected my old address with them at least 9 times in the last 9 months. They keep telling me, "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, I promise I am updating your records today. This won't happen again."

Then I give them my correct address and each time I call they give me the SAME incorrrect OLD address, that was never correct to begin with... and we go through the whole thing again. :he

Today there was a twist. I repeated the new physical address and told her it was NOT the mailing address and that I can NOT receive mail at that address. I repeated it 5 times. FIVE TIMES This is the physical address only. Then I gave her the mailing address and repeated it five times. She had the audacity to tell me that mailing address was not a real mailing address and I should contact my post office and inform them that I had an incomplete mailing address and then told me that my physical address was not a correct mailing address. :barnie :he :duc

Then she read the mailing address back to me. AND then she said it again... "You should contact your post office and inform them that your post office mailing address is incorrect."

I wanted to rip my hair out! I was so frustrated. I YELLED AT HER and said, "NO, I will NOT contact my post office and tell them my mailing address is incorrect. Your office SENT me a letter at that post office mailing address and asked me to call you. I GOT the letter and I am calling you at the phone number listed on that letter. If the address was incorrect, I would not have gotten that letter, would I? I am sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you. I want to speak to your supervisor NOW!"

She said, very quietly, "Thank you for your patience in this matter. I will connect you to an escalation worker. I am sorry for your inconvenience. I assure you your records will be updated today and this will not happen again."

When the escalation supervisor got on the phone, I told her the whole thing. She said, your mailing address is fine. It's already IN our system. She read the correct mailing address. Then she asked, "How may I further help you today?

I asked her why the lady before her told me I needed to tell my post office that my mailing address was incorrect when it was not. And why the lady before me said my mailing address was a problem. AND why didn't she understand that my physical address was NOT a mailing address.

She said, "Beats me, but I will be having a conversation with her about that. I live at one of those kind of addresses myself. Makes you want to scream doesn't it? Hopefully it's fixed now. "

Ah a breath of fresh air. I asked her if all the other incorrect addresses had been removed from my file. She said, "no, they are 'on record', but I will mark them as archived. Which ones didn't exist and which ones are real addresses? We went through all of them. She fixed them.

Then she told me my insurance coverage would change and walked me through it. It took a total of 132 minutes on the phone! Then she said, "I'm not going to use the company line... I'm sure you don't want to hear it. Then we both laughed and I said, Thanks SO MUCH for your help. You deserve a raise. :weee


Critter Addict ♥
Oct 6, 2010
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Morrow Co ~ Ohio
I have one of those addresses too. One is mailing and one is physical...they both direct you to the same location. Post office set up the first and then the 9-1-1 services didn't like it so they dictated a second. :rolleyes: But if you put either on a letter the post office will deliver it here...but I've had my fair share of issues with FedEx over it.

Queen Mum

Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
Dardanelle, Arkansas
I thought I was leaving all the rain behind when I left Washington State. It rained for 160 days straight last year. So I moved to Texas where they had gone for 9 months without a drop. Well, then it poured within weeks of my arrival.

I somewhat precipitously moved to Oklahoma and fairly shortly after, moved to Arkansas. Well here I am living in, not near, but in the middle of Lake Autumnprairie. Boy, oh boy, when it rains here, IT REALLY RAINS! This is apparently followed by the air tenaciously retaining said moisture in order that we are all reminded that it rained for days, perhaps weeks afterwards. I am told it heats up a bit so you can not only know that it has rained by the feel of the air, but you can see the physical evidence thereof before your very eyes. One wonders, then, do y'all have fog here in the morning?

In Korea, they grow rice because of the rain. They grow lots of rice here too. But the one thing I don't understand is why there are NO tropical plants here and why ARE there so many cactii growing everywhere? Don't the poor things drown in all that water?

While it was raining, this evening, I sloshed out and fed the goats in the barn. The chaos was unimaginable as the goats ran from pan to pan, making sure they didn't miss the choicest morsels in each pan. OYE VEY! Then I fed the chickens in their coop and they were very grateful. I fed the bunnies, who were sitting in their little cages looking quite unhappy.

Then the boys got fed in the shed. Poor little faithful Trump Card came out in the drenching downpour to greet me at the gate. I gave him a handful and led him to the shed. (He's such a sweetheart.) The others were not so brave. Ian ran outside to make sure I didn't accidentally put some in his favorite dish and then RAN back in quite peeved that he had missed a few spare bites. I think the other boys were laughing at his foolish venture as he usually butts everyone away from the best dish.

I sloshed back in to the house and climbed out of my dripping wet clothes and put on my jammies, watched netflix: The Buddha and Assisted Living. (Both were excellant, BTW.) I finished reading Animals in Translation by Temple Grandin, again.

Now, I'm going to go to bed.


Overrun with beasties
Aug 26, 2011
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autumnprairie said:
She forgot to mention that it will be raining with Thunderstorms until Tuesday :tongue
Wow, I love good storms, not sure if I would love them to last that long though. How do the animals do in those storms?

Queen Mum

Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
Dardanelle, Arkansas
They hide in the barn and poo everywhere till it's a sticky sloppy mess. Then when it's sunny, like this morning, they come out and leap around and play all morning.

Queen Mum

Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
Dardanelle, Arkansas
I just saw this on my FaceBook page:

Wouldn't it be nice
if the world was flat?
That way we could
just push off
the people we
don't like.

This was followed by someone posting:

Please don't push me. I'm too close to the edge already.

It made me laugh.