It looks like Polka Dot had a false pregnancy. She got big and round and looked and acted pregnant then went into "labor" and had no babies, just a big fat placenta with virtually no blood supply. No udder. The vet thinks she might have some sort of hormone imbalance. I am thinking I will sell her as a pet. This is her second go round. So she is going to go.
I have what looks like a brown recluse bite on my back and my have to go to the hospital for a stay. OUCH, OUCH, it really hurts. I am all swollen up and pretty sick.
I've not had any access to the internet for quite a while. Brownie recently had triplets. One was a premie. The others were Houdini babies. Very cute. Pictures later when I can upload them. BUT they are very cute. Both bucklings - One is black, (Danny D) the other is brown and silver with white stripes and a white hoof (Frodo). Danny D is already taking after his daddy. He is an escape artist. Frodo is very playful.
Jelly Bean miscarried quadruplets about a month ago when the weather was below zero. She mourned for weeks. She has insisted that Brownies kids are hers and Brownie has let her take over the mothering of these twins. Brownie feeds the babies but Jelly Bean mothers them fiercely. The kids follow JB everywhere and nurse on Brownie when they are hungry. What a setup...!
Dot is due next, in three days. Then Mama, three days later, followed by Polka Dot. Reina is due in a couple months.
Just had two more yesterday. Dot had twins. Also Houdini babies. One pure black doeling (6 pounds)- with ears and one brown buckling without ears (7 pounds). Ober/Mini LaMancha cross.
The doeling can't latch on so Dot isn't nursing her. She is in a playpen in the living room at my house. She is adorable.
All four kids are doing well. Brownie and Dot are giving a ton of milk.
Mama is due next Monday. Polka Dot is due the following week.
We tried to keep Reina from being bred. I gave her the "shot" but it didn't work apparently... She is due at the end of this month, I think...
Jelly Bean went into heat yesterday. Boy was she cranky! Houdini was happy to help with that little problem.