Loving the herd life
All the milk replacer I can get a my local feed store is for calves from 2-60 days. What do you feed after 60 days? My oldest calf is getting close to 2 months and I don't feel she is ready to be weaned. I also have 3 choices of milk replacer formula- all soy protein, soy and milk protein mix, and all milk protein. Which is best? I've been using the soy/milk mix mainly because its the 1st one that I picked up when I got the calves and didn't see that there were different formulas, and both calves seem to be doing good. I also have the choice of medicated and non medicated. They have been on medicated, should I go to non medicated?
Both calves are eating sweet feed and pelleted calf starter free choice as well as alfalfa hay, and I put them out on grass as much as I can, these are beef calves (heifers) hopfully to be used for breeding when they get older, so I want to give them the best start I can.
Both calves are eating sweet feed and pelleted calf starter free choice as well as alfalfa hay, and I put them out on grass as much as I can, these are beef calves (heifers) hopfully to be used for breeding when they get older, so I want to give them the best start I can.