Herd Master
Is booted showable in any breeds?
That's hard to say. Most breeds that include broken among their showable colors require a minimum of 10% color, but not all of them have a maximum limit. There are some breeds that specify that any animal with more than a certain percentage of body colored should be DQ'd, some just call it a fault, and some (the American Fuzzy Lop being one) don't have a top limit. However, most breed standards do say something about markings on the face, and while they specifically mention the absence of color on the nose, eyes, or ears as being cause for disqualification, I'm not sure that any breed standard addresses the absence of white on the face. The Fuzzy Lop standard, for example, says that the broken must have a nose marking, colored ears, and eye circles - but there is nothing in the standard that specifically rules out all of the markings running together. I doubt you would ingratiate yourself with a judge by arguing that point, though.