Quick and easy cattle panel hoola-hoop house


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
Me too!! So many "DOH" things she points out. Want to get animals in the trailer from the barn? Make a horseshoe shape path they can't see out of and they think they are going back to the barn as they make the turn.


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
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Anderson, CA
@soarwitheagles Hope you are holding up and hanging on for the next round of storms. :th Beginning to really wonder about the rainbow and the promise of never destroying the earth by flood. HE may not destroy the earth, but what about just CA? I am beginning to think that maybe that is the PLAN. This crazy state won't have to worry about leaving the Union, it will have already eroded away. :lol:


True BYH Addict
Dec 24, 2015
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Sacramento County

Another "atmospheric river" today. Wow, we are still experiencing lots of flooding. Due to the super saturation of the soil, every rainfall results in a substantial river flowing directly through the middle of our large Ag building. Kinda depressing if ya let it get to ya.

I am already planning major excavation for the spring. Large berms and drainage ditches to direct all the streams around the Ag building instead of through the middle of it.

Arrived home today in the middle of a large rain storm and ewes were giving birth like crazy...one after another. Just finished running around the forest trying to find all the lambs...it was challenging because at first sight, I only saw various ewes with the placenta hanging out...the ewes had stashed their lambs between logs and trees and I could not find them easily. What a wonderful way to continue our test and theory that these sheep are better off living, eating, and even giving birth in the rain...even during a large storm!

I am attaching a pic of set of twins that dropped during the middle of the storm. You can see mama hasn't even licked off one of em' yet. This storm is warmer...and I do not see the 30 minute old lambs shaking violently like the lambs born in the cold storms...so I suppose that is good news. For some reason, the newest lamb hasn't opened her eyes yet...hope we do not have a problem...and if it keeps raining like this, mama ewe will not have to lick the lambs off...the rain will complete the task for her....

BTW, the lamb on the right is only a couple of minutes old...poor little rug rat! Who knows, maybe mama Dorper will drop one more and make them triplets!

One more day of rain, then they say we will have a couple of days of clear weather...now that is good news!

Dang, maybe these lambs will be able to swim too!

Happy Break-the-Drought Year!

Twin Dorpers.JPG
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Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
Adorable lambs! So why does a storm make animals give birth out on the middle of it? Beats the heck outa me!


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
Cute mama licking her lamb. They are so darn cute.

I think I would keep the AB sheep if they are that hardy. It's nice that at least your sheep have some ground cover that isn't mud. I had a doe kid a few years ago in the only muddy place in the pen. WHY do they do THAT???

Looking forward to some sun for sure.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Was watching the weather radar and satellite feeds for CA... Man, you folks can't seem to catch a break from the rain! I know you've had years of drought, but good gosh you've had a lot of rain.


Herd Master
Aug 3, 2008
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mountains of WV
I like a lot of old music. Just not the Beatles. And we can agree on how terrible most music is today!

I'm with you on that...I was raised on that era of music, being the youngest of nine kids I tend to love the genre and era that my oldest sibs liked because it holds the best memories for me. But the Beatles? Only had a few songs I liked and I'm with you....extremely overrated band. Sooooooo many better musicians and bands from that era than those fellas.


True BYH Addict
Dec 24, 2015
Reaction score
Sacramento County
Not sure why the sheep this year tend to give birth during some of the largest storms...but there appears to be a pattern of it now. Who knows, maybe they want help cleaning up their lambs? Serious downpours like today sure clean up a lot!

I was concerned because a monster owl was checking the two new born Dorper X's from only 30 ft. away! We are not allowed to shoot owls here, and some owls have over a 5ft. wingspan...I think they could easily snatch a lamb...we also keep watching the hawks...they are here every day too.

Mama Dorper is still hanging out in the forest. She is quite different than the other Dorper ewe that had the skunk lookin' lamb last month...this mama Dorper today will not leave her twins under any circumstances...whereas the other Dorper ewe dropped her skunk lookin' lamb and walked far away and remained far away, eating grass. That lamb must constantly chase down mama for milk. So I suppose I just learned some Dorpers are very, very good mamas and some are not so good.

Babs, after much thought and consideration, I think we will choose to remain with the American Blackbelly sheep. I am not comfortable handling sheep species that are over 200 lbs [that is why I abstained from purchasing those incredible looking Suffolk lambs]. I am getting older, and the thought of jumping in the pen with 200+ lb. sheep and wrestling them to the ground for service is no longer an option. I am in good shape, but I do not want to risk an injury.

At the good advice of the people here at BYH, we will sell all our cross breeds and not permit any of them to breed other ewes. I informed my wife tonight we will sell "Big Red," the surprise AB/California Red lamb that we had in 2016, that looked like an Irish setter. He is now approaching 175 lbs and he is barely a year old.

We will sell all the AB/Dorper crosses as soon as they reach selling weight which should be by summer time.

Latestarter, I promised myself to NEVER complain about even one drop of rain after going through the worst drought in written history here...but it sure is tempting to snivel! Some things are getting a little spooky. Oroville dam, the second largest dam in all of California, just had the spillway compromised. Authorites are stating no need to worry, but the dam is 93% full, and from what I understand, they have had to limit the amount of water they release now. To me, this sounds alarming, but the DWR states everything is under control. Four times more water is rushing into Oroville dam at this moment than is being released...sure hope this is not serious.

Beekissed, I hear you on the music. I grew up in Silicon Valley when it wasn't full of silicon, but, rather lots of apricot and plum trees. Those were the days when Filmore West, Winterland, Days on the Green ect. were rolling. I remember one of my most prized possessions was a FM converter that connected to my AM radio in my 65' Comet...listened daily to the Eagles, Steppenwolf, Janis Joplan, Jimi Hendrix, Deep Purple, ZZ Top, the Who, Pink Floyd, The Allman Brothers, and a myriad of other ear drum shattering bands...

To be honest with you, I no longer listen much to the lyrics or the music as I once did. Now, I listen almost exclusively to praise and worship songs. I find the Spirit and the message much more in line with my renewed mind and untwisted belief systems...but I must confess, I keep hearing "Welcome to the Hotel California" in my head for the last 2-3 days! I blame it all on the sheep! [just joking].

Whoops...hoop house...let me run out and look...one moment everyone...half the sheep are in the HH, most are the ewes with the new borns. I cannot find the second lamb born this afternoon. I need to go search the forest...byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

UPDATE: After searching diligently, we cannot find the second lamb in the posted picture. I carefully checked where we last left the mama and the two lambs, but see no signs of coyotes, wild dog, or mountain lion tracks...dang...hope it wasn't a monster owl. Now I feel horrible. I wish I had simply picked up both lambs and walked the mother to the paddock. I foolishly left them out on the outskirts of the forest...Will check again in the morning...
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Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
Hope you found the lamb.

I keep hoping and praying that the DWR is correct and that there is no danger, but honestly, can you imagine what would happen if they told people that the dam could fail? There are SOOO many people that it would impact, there would be no way they could get them all out. I am not sure what impact the use of the emergency spill way will have if they have to use it. It is unpaved and ungated so whatever goes goes. It has stopped raining at my place so hoping that the worse is over everywhere. But I know that the rivers can rise for hours after the rain stops.


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
Looks like the emergency spillway is going to be used tomorrow night. Katie bar the door.

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