Herd Master
Calling any Angora rabbit "brown" would be a bit of a stretch - 'beige' or 'ecru' would be closer to the actual color. People who breed the Angoras will tell you; there is only so much pigment in a rabbit hair, be it 1/2" or 5" long, and the longer the hair, the thinner the pigment gets deposited, thus the lighter the color. Most people have a hard time figuring out the color of a colored English Angora, because the only part where the color isn't washed out and pale is on the face and maybe feet. A lot of Angora breeders can't tell some colors apart on rabbits more than a few weeks old!
As an example of what I am talking about, this is a BLACK English Angora:
As an example of what I am talking about, this is a BLACK English Angora: