rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
He wants to keep going until February when their thing should go from prep to launch mode into maintenance mode and he'll re-evaluate things. If he lasts that long is the * on all that. I'm worried, but it's up to him, I guess.

Not sure how you could go coffin shopping without dark humor. It's not exactly a trip to the grocery store.

No freezing rain occurred here last night or this morning.

Something amazing happened this morning. BADGER STAYED IN THE CATTLE PANEL PEN WITHOUT THE COLLAR STICK. Maybe it was just because there was a coyote howl a thon going on when I put him out, and maybe it will just be temporary, but I'll take it today. Maybe he's even finally big enough. Summer should be going into heat so today or tomorrow so the next few days it's especially important to keep Mr. Not Neutered separate from any chewy goats.

A tree guy is coming out today around 3.

Oh dear, my space bar is failing. I feel like I'm using an old typewriter, lol. Darn technology.

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
He wants to keep going until February when their thing should go from prep to launch mode into maintenance mode and he'll re-evaluate things. If he lasts that long is the * on all that. I'm worried, but it's up to him, I guess.

Not sure how you could go coffin shopping without dark humor. It's not exactly a trip to the grocery store.

No freezing rain occurred here last night or this morning.

Something amazing happened this morning. BADGER STAYED IN THE CATTLE PANEL PEN WITHOUT THE COLLAR STICK. Maybe it was just because there was a coyote howl a thon going on when I put him out, and maybe it will just be temporary, but I'll take it today. Maybe he's even finally big enough. Summer should be going into heat so today or tomorrow so the next few days it's especially important to keep Mr. Not Neutered separate from any chewy goats.

A tree guy is coming out today around 3.

Oh dear, my space bar is failing. I feel like I'm using an old typewriter, lol. Darn technology.

Hurray for BADGER :weee.......I hope the tree guy is cheap and does a good job for you .


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
I don't think I'm getting a quote from this tree guy. He said he'd send me one, but I made the mistake of asking if they could clip the fence back up after unscrewing the connectors on the metal post unclipping it from the t posts (which he offered to do). He acted somewhat dismissive and disinterested after that. Oh well, next lead. Serves me right.

I can clip the fence back up myself, and I want to get a stretcher and come along all my own, but I have to work around my kids. Just today as soon as the fence was done my plan was to pound the posts for the cattle panels and cover the gaps I requested and instead my older son came off the bus sick with a temperature of 104 so all I got done was about 15 minutes of work-pounding the 3 posts, cutting the required cattle panels down off the front, empty buck pen, and leaving the dogs in the rain while we rushed him to the doctor (dogs were only in a hurry to get dry until they decided they'd rather walk the yard than go in and eat, so I feel less bad).That kind of thing is why I asked. I can't really rely on myself. I'll not do that in the future and just rough it. It's not like my husband can help.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
:) That's the attitude I should have.

I just get kind of irked when people use passive aggressive communication in these kind of interactions. I wish they'd just say no. Otherwise it turns things into me trying to find and use the magical right groupings and sets of words to persuade them to do something or not be offended and get paid lots by me-while asking as little as possible from them or they never get back to me. It's driving me nuts. But I'll just keep trying.

My son should be fine, btw. We'll just be closely managing his fever reducer tonight and keep an eye on him tomorrow. Double checked his lungs, waited until the motrin and tylenol reduced his fever, breathing,and heart rate, did a flu test, and sent us home. Typical kid episode.
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Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
If that fence is properly installed and tight, you can unclip from every T post and it will still be standing. Taking it off a corner H brace on one end will be hard to put back on since there won't be excess to pull on.

The tree definitely should have been dropped before the fence was put up. Are you calling Craig's List "arborists" or a tree company? I really think you need someone with equipment that can get the saw up high enough to cut it off on the other side of the fence, then hold the part that is above the fence, cut that off on the "inside" of the fence far enough that when the trunk is dropped it will miss the fence (Or it can be held and cut).


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
I'm calling licensed, insured tree companies. People are weird here. I wonder if it's because I'm not a community insider yet. I do know they pick and choose the jobs they want to do. I should not have to sell a job I'm paying for though?

The fence is not the greatest,there are some things I could have done better, but it will hold 2 big dogs and my kids. I will probably only hire this guy to do posts in the future, but I could not have done this all myself at this point. The positive side is that I can take it down myself. I'm pretty sure I can put it backup too. I'm just not sure when I can find the time especially if I'm catering to someone's unknown and unavailable schedule.

I may have the fence man come back to take down and replace the fence since our *verbal* agreement was that he would find someone to cut the tree down and he didn't (but verbal agreements mean nothing as we all know). He said he'd be willing to help if something happened to the fence during tree removal.
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B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
I'm calling licensed, insured tree companies. People are weird here. I wonder if it's because I'm not a community insider yet. I do know they pick and choose the jobs they want to do. I should not have to sell a job I'm paying for though?

The fence is not the greatest,there are some things I could have done better, but it will hold 2 big dogs and my kids. I will probably only hire this guy to do posts in the future, but I could not have done this all myself at this point. The positive side is that I can take it down myself. I'm pretty sure I can put it backup too. I'm just not sure when I can find the time especially if I'm catering to someone's unknown and unavailable schedule.

I may have the fence man come back to take down and replace the fence since our *verbal* agreement was that he would find someone to cut the tree down and he didn't (but verbal agreements mean nothing as we all know). He said he'd be willing to help if something happened to the fence during tree removal.
You are dealing with the "yankee attitude" (I can say that because I am a yankee) ...you ARE dealing with not being a community "insider"....this is probably something you won't want to do...but let them THINK they are smarter than you and ask them for their advice, (I know it would be hard for me to do, but it works)....let their snarky indiffrence work to your advantage..in the end you will out smart them and get the job done.... :hugs

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