rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
I'd pay something like that normally if it's good milk and it helps other small farmers get by. I expected more along the lines of $8/half gallon the way prices here go, but $5 for something that nice is wonderful. And right in time for the goats' dry period to start next month. I kind of wonder what it costs to make a half gallon of milk and professionally bottle it like they do.

:hidepersonally, I still like fatty, creamy, thick lamancha/ND milk, with just a hint of goat funk the best, but for cow milk that was stellar, and milk from cows that like attention with nice farm owners is even better. Maybe it's just because the only cows I've ever met have been angus and never anything dairy, but today felt really special.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I have researched Normande cattle, they are drop dead gorgeous. If I were to have a dairy cow, I'd want a Normande. I'd have to go way far away to get one, because there aren't any here.
glad that y'all had such a good time, maybe you can take your kids to see the cows on a regular basis. Sounds like a lovely farm.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
:thNever say anything is settled. Never. A neighbor I've never met before that does not border our property and is nowhere nearby, with a revine and huge pine tree wooded hill between us sent an angry text accusing our dogs of barking all night and keeping them up all night since forever.
Here's the kicker-they rarely bark all night. And when they do have bad nights, it's rare and justified. Also, when I stand by our mail box for the kid's am bus, which is as close as I ever get to their property (and their home is still a ways off) and our dog barks I can BARELY hear it, leaves on or off. I'm flabbergasted.

I'm calling the ag commissioner who is also the animal control officer to know my rights. We're in a right to farm town, and you have to sign something when you buy a house telling you you ARE in a right to farm community and that means smell, dust, and noise any time of night or day from farms, but I need to know if that includes LGD's for sure before telling this guy tough nuggets. If the dogs can't work I don't know what we'll do. My kids would be in danger any time they left the house and that really loud coy-dog is still coming in and out. Animals would die, the coy dog would go back to work on destroying my chicken run and coop, and my kids could get mauled or killed. I can't really be expected, as a gun rookie, to be an armed guard for my children every time they go ride their bikes or roll on the hill, or to have to carry a gun to walk 300ft to the barn in the dark so I don't get stalked to the door again (and they see you first!). This is supposed to be MY HOME.

I could threaten to fire a shotgun off every half hour all night long instead of the dogs, but I really don't want to do that. I like my real neighbors. This is really a blow.

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida

:thNever say anything is settled. Never. A neighbor I've never met before that does not border our property and is nowhere nearby, with a revine and huge pine tree wooded hill between us sent an angry text accusing our dogs of barking all night and keeping them up all night since forever.
Here's the kicker-they rarely bark all night. And when they do have bad nights, it's rare and justified. Also, when I stand by our mail box for the kid's am bus, which is as close as I ever get to their property (and their home is still a ways off) and our dog barks I can BARELY hear it, leaves on or off. I'm flabbergasted.

I'm calling the ag commissioner who is also the animal control officer to know my rights. We're in a right to farm town, and you have to sign something when you buy a house telling you you ARE in a right to farm community and that means smell, dust, and noise any time of night or day from farms, but I need to know if that includes LGD's for sure before telling this guy tough nuggets. If the dogs can't work I don't know what we'll do. My kids would be in danger any time they left the house and that really loud coy-dog is still coming in and out. Animals would die, the coy dog would go back to work on destroying my chicken run and coop, and my kids could get mauled or killed. I can't really be expected, as a gun rookie, to be an armed guard for my children every time they go ride their bikes or roll on the hill, or to have to carry a gun to walk 300ft to the barn in the dark so I don't get stalked to the door again (and they see you first!). This is supposed to be MY HOME.

I could threaten to fire a shotgun off every half hour all night long instead of the dogs, but I really don't want to do that. I like my real neighbors. This is really a blow.

A angry neighbor who is coward enough to send a text accusing your dogs of barking all night is full of hot air...let the grumpy old fart send you a formal letter of complaint, then contact you animal control person,.when the AC person sees the distance he lives from you, and with no way to prove that it was your dogs barking / alerting to the coyote or coydog......don't spin your wheels over a idiot, if he doesn't like too darn bad, he hasn't got the num nums to politely come to your door and talk....how did he get your phone number ?..some people are just grumpy people....born that way and will die that way......
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Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Lol, I'll do my best. Right now, I am mad (and still haven't replied, mainly because of lack of polite reply and not knowing the laws for SURE). I may just go ahead and ignore him I'm so mad.

You can barely EVEN hear the dogs when they do bark from the other side of the barnyard dsjfdskfdsjdsfkfjsdljsdfjk.

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B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
Lol, I'll do my best. Right now, I am mad (and still haven't replied, mainly because of lack of polite reply and not knowing the laws). I may just go ahead and ignore him I'm so mad.

You can barely EVEN hear the dogs when they do bark from the other side of the barnyard dsjfdskfdsjdsfkfjsdljsdfjk.
Totally ignore him, let him call animal control.....you are within you rights on your own property, he has no proof of it being your dogs, could of been the coyotes making noise...prove it. The burden of proof is on him, not you.
Piss him off and don't respond to something that holds no meaning..


Herd Master
Nov 18, 2019
Reaction score
Idaho panhandle 48th parallel
Lol, I'll do my best. Right now, I am mad (and still haven't replied, mainly because of lack of polite reply and not knowing the laws for SURE). I may just go ahead and ignore him I'm so mad.

You can barely EVEN hear the dogs when they do bark from the other side of the barnyard dsjfdskfdsjdsfkfjsdljsdfjk.

I second Barb on this. Ignore him/her. To respond even politely I think would accelerate the toxin.
I can feel your justifiable anger. I figured that's where that bander and bands came in. :yesss:


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I couldn't like that post. I loathe people like that. By all means, find out about YOUR rights to protect your livestock, children and yourself. What a moron.

Coyotes woke me up at 2 AM, I got up 3 times to go out on the porch and listen to see how close they were. The dogs don't bark when the coyotes are howling, maybe they know something I don't. When I DON'T hear or see anything, sometimes they go nuts, makes me wonder.....


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I agree with Barb. Make him make the complaint and prove YOUR dogs are barking and if the RTF includes protecting your animals he has nothing anyway.

Perhaps he should be told that if there were no predators, peoples dogs wouldn't bark at night. He should take it upon himself to rid the neighborhood of predators and solve his own problem.

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