rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Nov 18, 2019
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Idaho panhandle 48th parallel
65 degrees? Wow, I'm assuming this is not typical Mass. winter weather? Congratulations on the quick sell of your flock. What breed are you considering for replacements? I need fresh hens next spring, almost ordered some chicks online the other night, but came to my senses. I need to wait until I cull my old hens first and I don't want to deal with that just yet.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
New reports on town fb page of an XL, brightly colored coyote trying to go for dogs while in view/arms reach of their owners. Latest dog was a 50 lbs collie type, owner saved it.
:ep Just too scary, that collie was as big as the coyote! I hope you aren't going outside without your gun.

Someone's giving away their alpaca herd of 8 for free on the farmers' exchange bulletin board. Want some more friends? :D =D
You going to cart them up here?


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
It's past time that the Mass game & wildlife people do something about that coyote. Everyone always waits for someone to get hurt then they will go all spastic over it instead of just making it a point of just disposing of it before it gets to that point. Please be careful.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
We are doing our best. A little scary because you tend not to see these critters until they want to be seen with all the forest and lack of home/street lights even in town (can't ruin the new england ambiance, now can we?). Local word is that whoever is in charge of fish and wildlife is not a good person and never does anything for anyone unless there is financial incentive, so no one will probably get any help until there's a lawsuit or very bad publicity up in the air, like a death or serious injury of a child I've never lived in a "anti gun" state, but apparently that means they never get of their rears and tell YOU to get a gun. Lazy hypocrites. I believe there was a bear that was chasing people out in fitchburg for the last year on and off that got taken care of...but I think it was the police that shot it finally, not fish and wildlife. I don't think fish and wildlife actually do anything but collect money for the time being.

At least I have big dogs. They seem to see and get offended at everything at night (including owls whoWHOOOOing at the top of their lungs on the roof, that was an interesting shouting match between Badger and a bird). We have our gun licenses, and DH could bring one home tomorrow on his way home from work, but I still have only had that one run in during the day that I could have seen the coyote and used the gun-if I had it with me while the kids were playing outside. Every other time the coyote would have had the upper hand and I would have had no target (now shooting blueberry leave eating turkeys is another matter, but that's not a dangerous matter for us)

Last night the dogs wouldn't calm down until I let the goats in, so the goats were allowed back in at about 12:30 last night (this am?). Point made dogs.
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Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Baymule you cannot the believe the levels of stupidity in Mass. Believe me, it is considered the absolutely worst of the New England states. A bed of a$$hole rich hypocritical democrats and they are nearly as anti-gun as NY. And as it seems that they are getting here in Va which I never would have thought..... but we are controlled by the "washington and richmond" idiots just like they are controlled by the "boston and martha's vineyard " priviledged and the NYorkers that are controlled by the ny city idiots. Even Vermont and NH are getting to be stupid about some stuff. I may be a new englander by birth, and in part of my heart, but I am no longer of that stupid mindset/group.

Texas has had so many moving there from places like Calf that I have heard there are some changes in the politics down there in the city areas and that there are so many that it is somewhat affecting some of the voting, too. It is a little scary.


Herd Master
Nov 18, 2019
Reaction score
Idaho panhandle 48th parallel
It's happening all over. People move away from a place, then want to make where they moved to have the same politics that ruined the area they came from. They don't see the cause and effect. It is scary. We embraced the life here when we were the new kids.
But it's changing and it makes me so sad.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I have for years said the very same things you just said @thistlebloom . People move to a "new place" then try to make it just like where they came from. When I first moved to Va I got all kinds of grief because of being a Yankee. I acknowledged that I was a Yankee, and that I came here because it wasn't like where I came from and that I didn't want it to be like where I came from, because I never felt that I fit in there. I was too "country" for the area of Ct where I was born and raised.
I remember when I first went to the feed store and wanted non-medicated feed; which was still made; because I didn't want to feed arsenilic acid to my birds. It was used as a appetite stimulant which made the birds eat more, produce more, grow faster. I made the mistake of saying that I used to get feed without it in Ct and heard all about the go back where I came from if I didn't like it "here". So, I learned to NEVER make a comment about "where I came from" until many years later when I became accepted for wanting to be here because I LIKED things the way they were here.
And yes, I found another feed company that didn't put it in the feed.....

Today, we deal with so much more of the "move here with money they made elsewhere, then try to implement things that they used to have" .... frequently from the overflow of those that come to the DC area and then spill out into our more rural areas. And the ones that take a vacation and see the cheaper prices here, then don't like some of the "backward ways" that we do stuff. Or don't like the "live and let live" of the things like, this is my property, if I want to keep 10 junk vehicles for parts, that is none of your concern, even if you don't like the way it looks.....These kind of people may or may not see the cause and effect.... the thing is that they believe that THEY ARE SMARTER and RIGHT and that us "dumb old farmer types ... yeah us Deplorables" just aren't smart enough or SOPHISTICATED enough to do things the "right way". These are the ones that think that their money entitles them to "be the boss" over us that don't know what is good for us.
Like the WITCH next door not wanting the cell tower... they are from Mass...... yet accused us their first year here of "you southerners are all the same with an attitude towards all the yankees that move here" . We felt quite priviledged to be included in the "rest of the southerners".....since we are as much or more Yankee than them because they had come here from Ohio but were originally from Mass..... all because we wouldn't cut our prices to make their hay in the field right next to our field at the same time so it would be saving us money.... HUH????? They got another neighbor to make it one time, then a different one, then no one will make it for them because she is impossible to deal with. I could go on and on. Suffice to say the next time her horses get out in the road, I will call the sherrif's dept and not do a thing to help as I have done twice in the past. Maybe one will run out in front of me the next time and I can sue them for damages.....

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