rachels.haven's Journal


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Seems I recall driving past a very large Amazon (or was it Google) place here north of Dallas on the way to the airport... Must have been amazon as I just looked and it seems google is also considering building a center down here.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
We also considered Texas. I think my husband said there was something in Huston that was an option. We consider it unlikely though because the property values in the area for property that meets our requirements was a little high. But my brother in law's mother would like us to move there, because she and her ranch are in the area, or at least more in the area than she is now. Michigan and Texas are a little far away. Also, better weather. It's still an option. I'd like it. We'd just have to look harder for homes.

I'm not 100% sure but my "brown" buckling seems to be getting some black on him. I coppered him a few weeks ago...we'll see I guess. I was suspicious a little because he started black and turned a beautiful red brown and was browner at each visit, but if he just stays the color he is I'd be happy. If he turns black again I'm not sure I'd mind either.

My last open doe still hasn't gone into heat again. We took her to the breeder when I thought she was in heat last and she climbed a wall to get away from him and no breeding occurred. He wasn't super interested either. We separated them to prevent injury. She's also not interested in the little buck at all, and he's not been interested in her in the slightest (not that he could reach, she's kind of a tall nigerian and he's kind of a small buckling). There's a slight chance she got bred while I was on vacation, but my gut says that's unlikely. I'm starting to wonder if she cycled at all and just acts bucky when the other girls are in heat. They're not cycling anymore so there's no more blubbering, moaning, going to war with, or riding the other ladies and she's just her typical nutty self. Maybe she'll go into heat and get bred someday. We will have old enough bucks on hand eventually, so as long as she cycles ONCE then she will get bred.

This Saturday I'm ordering more stock panels to enlarge the does' pen, get more invasives cleared, and build a buck pen and shelter. I'll take pictures as I do that-gray skied, dark, dead foliage pictures, but the goats will be cute.
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Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
If you like high prices, high temperatures, high crime rates, high humidity, and high water, high quantities of biting/stinging insects, high property taxes, high auto insurance rates, high numbers of auto accidents and gridlocked roads, and comparatively high local sales taxes (2% on top of the 6.2% state sales tax) then Houston should be high on your list.

"Among the 10 states with the lowest per capita property taxes, a majority are in the South, where sales taxes are a more prominent source of state revenue. Texas is a notable outlier, relying heavily on property taxes while not levying state individual or corporate income taxes".


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Yeah, kind of figured that. I'd rather go to Huston than Seattle though. It's amazon, so there's a huge pull to get strong programmers to go there so they can be squeezed dry. We're not going to do that. We did that the first two summers we were married and it was terrible (for me, DH was fine). We'll see what happens. I won't know for certain until a little closer to the end of the school year when my husband can start applying for team changes. He's talking to people, but June is a few months off, so it's all putting out feelers and hearing the stuff off the grape vine.
It's really compelling to want to move sooner though when your kindergartner's school sends home a paper informing all parents of their policy on what they're going to do with children that come in high. :ep Parents smoke in their cars before school with the kids in their seats and windows up (can't damage their house with smell), then drive, yes drive, to school and dump the kids at the pickup line (people drive high a lot). Poor kids never stand a chance and have no choice. Unfortunately high children (and adults) at things like the library or in parking lots are not uncommon here already. I about started crying. It's really heart-wrenching to see it happen with he pre-k library storytime group. I'm not sure I'd have the heart to send a student home early like that so they can be exposed to more smoke. I'd at least want to give them the school day away from home anyway, but I understand the behavior aspect. I wish Michigan wouldn't keep throwing kids under the bus like this.

But anyway, we're going to be okay. Moving was over-due. We've kind of stayed longer than we're comfortable. We just have to find a slightly bigger home with slightly more space that we can pay off quickly and an open position. We moved here in the first place to buy an inexpensive home that we could pay off in 2 years right out of grad school. We've done that, we're now financially stable to buy a very nice home with cash somewhere else. The school is actually pretty nice too, IMO. But I think it's time to go due to running out of space, local drug issues (and not just pot), and DH wanting a team change.

As of this vacation I think DH is secretly hoping for Tennessee. Reaching 41mph on your bike on a bike trail there can do that to you, I guess. Hurry up winter!


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Reaching 41mph on your bike on a bike trail there can do that to you,
People ave different priorities I suppose, and I can understand shooting for the mythical 88 mph in a thunderstorm, but what if he had only reached 39.5 mph?
How fast I could go on a bike (or on/in anything else) has never played in to what location I chose to move to.
Tenn sounds like your dream destination and you should plan accordingly.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
That would be very nice. We'll have to wait and see though. The office is still under construction. I'm not sure how long it will be or if it will be ready in a reasonable time frame at all.

The drawback to nashville is that they don't always have nice schools. I'd take it if I had to though. I'm not sure how much it matters for elementary school yet, and I'm not sure if the rumors are true or "true".

I'm not going to put all my eggs (of hope) in one basket yet even though I do want to go live there. I think we'll wind up where we need to be.
(I do have my minimum requirements so I can take comfort in that, gotta have my goat friendly, kid friendly property)