rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Thank you!
I may have added a couple of extra dwarfs over the pandemic. The other lady in town that does goats makes most of her money traveling and doing petting zoo birthday things and goat yoga (yes, we live in THAT kind of place) is currently trapped out of the country and she has no foreseeable income over the next few months with the disease going around, so she's selling almost everything. She had these two two year old does that were the size of my Michigan buck out of her best doe with a positively thrilling udder. And these may be that does last babies...and they are so small she can't find a buck to breed them to, so I bought them. And now she's got just a little more money to pay her farm hands while she's stuck out of the country. They are the two red brown ones. They will be registered on her return and she'd like to buy a doeling from me when things settle down in the animal parties business. For now when she goes back it looks like she'll go back to being a nurse again.

She also wants me to "foster" one of her pregnant does too in exchange for a doeling, but I'm not comfortable with that level of liability no matter how. With my luck, that would be the doe with a death wish or with serious kidding problems and I'd lose her.

Anyway, here's a video of the other goat lady, probably still stuck in Peru.

I'm excited about the does I did get because their pedigrees look like this. And I'm pretty sure one is polled. She didn't think she would even be able to breed them because they wound up so small, but they match my buck in size and they are wide enough IMO.
Screenshot 2020-03-27 at 12.06.11 PM.png


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Ooo, bad question.
6 dwarf does
4 lamancha does
Saffron's 2 kids
2 lamancha bucks
3 dwarf bucks

I paid for another Promisedland lines dwarf doe to add to our gene pool, but they got the flu and then everything got locked down up here before they could drive up on their way to get some of their own goats (and drop her off on the way), so we will eventually have one dwarf...someday...maybe.

I also have my eye on another registered lamancha dairy lines doe that the owner wants to sell to a good place as she's getting out of dairy lines goats and switching to solely show, but that won't be until at least June, maybe July or August. And if she's in good enough shape she will not be bred in the fall, but will be milked until she goes dry with Saffron and Summer then allowed a dry spell.

I do not plan on keeping any home bred does this year until I get to know my own does better...although Avalon's litter is going to be tempting.

So yes, those are my numbers. :hide Don't tell DH where they hay is going.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
My posts came today (ON A NEW HAY PALLET). The clips came earlier. I've already got the cattle panels. :celebrateI think it's time to start carrying panels and banging posts until the sun goes down...tomorrow, obviously. It's dark now.
...I wonder if DH would be willing to help me...:D The fewer times a panel hits me in the face the better and they are really meant to be carried by two and all.

I've got a hay delivery coming on Tuesday. Geesh, next time, fill the barn up to the roof. Hay was hard to find.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Pounding some posts will give your DH some exercise and an outlet for stress ;)

That lady was understandably pretty stressed out. I'm sure the Peruvian temp workers likewise trapped at Smuggler's Notch Resort (where DD2 worked until 1.5 weeks ago, laid off when they closed due to the virus) would love to swap places with her. Their work visas have expired but they can't go home. I guess that technically makes them "undocumented immigrants" even though they want to go home.