rachels.haven's Journal


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Have to agree with others... take your hay with you! Aside from the fact that you'll have less to worry about, most goats don't like complete change all at once. This way you can gradually introduce "local" hay from your new place/area so they can adjust.

That's a beautiful property you're purchasing! I too love that barn! :love:bow Your goats will be in heaven with all those trees/leaves and undergrowth to eat. Aside from a full perimeter fence, I'd probably consider just doing movable internal electric net fencing to move them around to different areas of the property. That way they don't "kill" any one area and stuff has time to regenerate.

Hope the old home remediation goes quickly and smoothly and that your move is uneventful.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Closing/move in day is Feb 1st. We're heading out on Tuesday or Wednesday with Ava, Rango, Angel, and Livy in plastic dog crates on a tarp in a mini van (testing the goats' okayness with the crates was fun-wound up with 2 boys, a buckling, and a doe locked in one). My oranda goldfish will be joining us in a 5 gallon bucket with a lid and a sponge filter with a 10 gallon temporary tank for our arrival.

The goat vet came out to take blood for testing and do exams and tattoo recording for scrapie.

The moving company is coming to pack up the house on DH's work's bill. They are bringing the hay, cattle panels, and t-posts. I'm stressing. No, I don't have to drive, pack, or load, but that won't stop the stressing. SOMETHING has to cause complications.

This weekend we got 6" of snow over 24 hours and the lazy county/towns refused to plow more than once (at the beginning, of course) so things kind of shut down and there were lots of accidents because suburban detroiters can't be bothered to slow down and tone down the road aggression even temporarily. We spent the day throwing everything out-I mean organizing closets so we did not make it to TSC in New Hudson due to bad conditions and worse drivers, so I still need to go and will probably go tonight. I need more alfalfa pellets and a compressed bale to use for the trip over and until the moving van comes. Also getting pine potty pellets and possibly course flake to use in the crates. Also picking up extra pro-bios tubes.

My journal will not be fun to read from this point on until we get moved in and at least semi settled. Now that that disclaimer's issued, I feel free to complain about -5 temperatures. Check.

Worry, worry, worry, worry, gotta go bathe the kids! The more temperamental of the two is off for MLK day, so things are not quiet or slow atm. Lots of savage yelling fast boy-children. The three year old is not bored with his brother around though. *insert recording of manic child laughter and the sound of disaster here*

Anyone know anything about preventing lyme disease in goats? Apparent New England is a hot spot and that would be a fun and distracting topic to worry-I mean learn-about. Wish there was a human vaccine.

There. All done journalling for now. Hopefully I'll see you all on the other side of the move. :th


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Many of have gone through it before to some degree or another. I sure hope all the worry is for naught. Have a safe and endurable transit to your new home.


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
Miss @rachels.haven,

Had to go out of town for a bit and have just now caught up.

I hope your trip goes well and that you won't have to deal with bad weather. Moving can be a hassle, but your family is starting a new adventure. I hope you come to love your new place. Refresh my Senile Texas Aggie memory -- is your new home in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, or am I WAY off base?

Senile Texas Aggie


Herd Master
Jun 27, 2017
Reaction score
Capital Region NY
Closing/move in day is Feb 1st. We're heading out on Tuesday or Wednesday with Ava, Rango, Angel, and Livy in plastic dog crates on a tarp in a mini van (testing the goats' okayness with the crates was fun-wound up with 2 boys, a buckling, and a doe locked in one). My oranda goldfish will be joining us in a 5 gallon bucket with a lid and a sponge filter with a 10 gallon temporary tank for our arrival.
Getting closer to Feb 1st! Be safe!