rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
I may eventually. For now I'm probably going to have the hay put where the lawn stuff is and I'll lug them upstairs one at a time over the course of a few weeks. It might be a fun challenge to help keep the winter blues away-but then again framing and putting up real stalls for the goats would also do the job. We'll be okay. I just really want that hay stash put away so I can relax and feel prepared on that point.

8-12 inches of snow coming on Tuesday, but I'm not worried about the actual snow. It's going to be above freezing after that point for a good long time and DH can work from home when necessary especially during the actual storm and until it's cleared.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I DO!!!!!! :D =D ('cause I'm retired)
Still have to get up way too early so DD2 and DW can go to work. Kinda hard to be a lift attendant or a postal clerk from home.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Pretty good. Unfortunately I've been doing that unpacking and organizing thing post moving adults are stuck doing every spare moment I've got-although I have been on reading others's journals. Not much to report on my herd's front, but I'll give you what I've got going on at the moment.

I suspect Angel is pregnant with only one kid. March 28 is her day 145, so I've picked up a CDT vaccine to use at the appropriate time. She is small, but definitely pregnant.

I attempted to breed my other two does to Millies Buckeye, now aka Ronan, but they both appeared to go into a second stronger heat 6 days later, so I'm not sure if it took. If they are open I may let them stay open until fall so next year everyone kids together.

We have a large number of Coyotes in the woods around Groton. The scream and howl A LOT. I've opted to continue locking in the goats for the night. Also armies of turkeys and some deer.

Getting ready to materials for my chicken shed and run and for framing stalls for the goats-WITH GATES. I'm getting tired of crawling through the barn windows and going over cattle panels. I don't have a truck, so I'm going to try to order and ship my stuff from either Lowes or Home Depot all at once. We've done this before and liked it. It's much less hassle than trying to buy and load it all, and after cost of renting a vehicle and multiple trips are factored in it just about makes sense.

On the hay front, I went to a place called Low Places Ranch and looked at their 2nd cut alfalfa hay and their orchard alfalfa hay. Both hays are very green. The alfalfa looks a little on the stemmy side, the OA is very soft, not much alfalfa though. I'm waiting for a nutritional analysis on both before setting up a delivery. They may have the equipment to put it up in my loft so I don't have to put what's on the ground floor up there and work around oodles of hay. They're a big hay place out here.

Also trying to decide if feeding 15% alfalfa pellets from tsc ($15/50lbs) with cheaper grass hay ($10/50lbs) and grain will cover all nutritional bases and be more economical than buying alfalfa hay at $18/50lbs in February during a bad alfalfa year to feed with the grain. I'm also trying to find a long term haysource in the area that delivers, so a little extra expense if it means I have a stable source of good hay in the long run is worth it. Not totally sure what I'm doing yet. Definitely waiting on nutritional analysis. I'm not sure I'd want to depend on pellets so heavily forever.

Today I didn't do much of consequence other than feeding and watering the goats. Ate something I was allergic to yesterday (on purpose because it couldn't be that bad, right? and that was dumb), so I've been hanging out in the house watching kids today, trying to stay comfortable. Muscles and tendons have been sore. Eventually I got sick of laying around and decided to go chip all the ice off the front walk. It's clean now. Very long front walkway. Not sure why anyone would put that in. Decided not to play with the "new" snow blower that came with the house and clear off the driveway in case my angry muscles decided they didn't like the abuse I've already given them. I've overdone it before and wound up senseless in agony for days and I can't do that right now (DH doesn't really want to work from home until work is boring again). So far I'm fine. Did laundry (how do kids make so much?!). Waiting for my body to stop being angry at me for my dietary indiscretion. Could be worse, I guess.

Up until I got notification of a reply on my journal I was sitting on the couch alone learning about soap making while the boys had male bonding time with DH over smash brothers or something. Now they're down and monkeying around so I guess I'd better go brush their teeth. They should be tired from sledding all day.

Sorry I don't have more to say. Winter is so slow and quiet right now. I am stuck thinking about hay, baby goats, and soap. And bedtime.

Please pardon any typos. I'm out of time for editing.