Herd Master
Yes, you need to go commercial. What super annoying breeds of farm animals could you raise?
Long crowing roosters
Pigs (meat for the freezer)
Geese, which ones make the most noise?
You need sales. When we first moved here, we sold eggs to satisfy the IRS on our taxes. We spent a lot of money on barns, fence, etc, so had to have something to sell. Eggs were easy and fast. Did you say that sales had to be $500 per year to qualify? Eggs at $4 per dozen is not a lot of eggs.
Long crowing roosters
Pigs (meat for the freezer)
Geese, which ones make the most noise?
You need sales. When we first moved here, we sold eggs to satisfy the IRS on our taxes. We spent a lot of money on barns, fence, etc, so had to have something to sell. Eggs were easy and fast. Did you say that sales had to be $500 per year to qualify? Eggs at $4 per dozen is not a lot of eggs.