rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Lol, the bug veil needs to be more translucent. I'm pretty sure they look hokey, but I don't care! (as long as I can't be identified, I guess)

Moved fence today and last night does spent the night in their 8x20 run in shed.

We're hiring a husband of an acquaintance who put in their own fence to teach us to do ours. He's out of work from donating a kidney but he should be able to make us learn to do it right.

My gate is too narrow for my neighbor to hay our field. Poopie. He needs at least 13 feet. Not 12. He will also sell me hay from the next field over and several others.

We are fixing the old leaning machine shed with parts from the chicken shed for the purpose of hay storage. Yesterday I heard the main beam snap, I discovered today while we were looking at it with the contractor and his man. I guess that needs to be sistered. That was...unsettling. So we all shuffled out until later.

If building the barn gets pushed off late into the winter then at least we will have hay, shelter, and I will need to make sure I can get water out to the critters in need.

Pricey, but the house is selling, and the numbers still say we are doing okay.

Still waiting on sitework and demo estimate. Will call around again tomorrow.

Starting to get my mise en place. It's taking a while.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Sorry about the gate being too small. I PREACH to anyone that is talking fencing to put in 16 ft gates... or at least 2-8 ft gates..... Equipment is too big nowadays to go through 12's..... and if you had to get a truck and trailer through there, you are setting yourself up for tight quarters that you can slip in a snow storm and take out gates and fence..... Guess you must have not been in on that particular thread... can't remember, who it was that was questioning and several of us said 16 ft gates...... we have 2 places where there are a couple of 12's, and I go through at a perfect angle or I get hung.... He//, I have gotten the H with the side delivery rake hung if I don't hit it right because of the angle the rake is at behind the tractor......and have scraped the gate posts more than once when you come in at an angle that is not perfect.....,DS has to take out a post to get through gates in 2 places.... owners were told that if they wanted it hayed, the posts needed to be moved or able to be taken out.... SUGGESTION..... when they come back to fix the fence... if they ever do... make them take out a post and go back and add a 6 or 8 ft gate where the other one closes against.... they can put in a couple posts, and move the brace back to a previous post.... and make the opening wider....


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
My gates into the "pasture" behind the barns are 12'. But then there isn't any big equipment going in there. Plenty of room for my tractor. I do have a 10' gate just outside the north end of the barn and yep, especially if I have the backhoe on, the angle better be just right because there isn't enough room between the barn and gate to get the tractor in and then turn. If my fields were to be hayed (anyone need any bales of weeds?) they would have to come off the main road. No perimeter fence, I took down the rotting posts and broken hot wire.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
NOOO, some of them can fit though the mask. And the screen is tiny.
Most kept out is better than none. These also don't seem too aggressive at going at the nose, mouth, and eyes. This strikes me as ridiculous. I think I might treat the mask with permethrin and see how that changes things. I believe they have to touch it to go through.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Jesus, Mary and Joseph; do these people still not get it? Food being left and feeding animals is only the start of it... they are not afraid of people... they are not just motivated by people feeding them... they are looking at people as prey......
I am so sorry for the child... and very glad that the animal was killed... honestly I have my doubts as to it being rabid.... because coyotes have lost their fear of man in general.... if it is rabid, that will "justify" it's aggressiveness and then the bleeding hearts will have an "excuse" for the behavior of the "poor wild animal"..... what needs to happen is for a few of those idiots to get savagely attacked by a pack and then maybe they will realize that nature does not REASON things out.... or make excuses.....


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
I don't think it will be rabid either. Something's going on with the coyotes on the cape, and I suspect it's that people aren't making them afraid anymore, not so much food that they can get to.

Demo estimate went on today. Waiting on word from that.
Other than that it's been a heat wave and baby has been cranky as we hid in the air conditioned rooms, so not much is getting done.