Herd Master
When do we get pictures of the new place?
hint hint

hint hint
Last week if work for DH. He's rebecoming himself again as he shrugs off the rocks they've been piling on. Someone even tried to pull the "you HAVE to get this working before you go" trick. Nope. They mucked up and neglected that team of contractors' project up enough for themselves then handed it to their overloaded emergency engineer for life support and emergency repairs and now it's their own screwy long term mess and not this super programmer's problem. The kicker is they're hiring *another team if contractors* to replace my one DH. They're not going to be able to replace him unless they hire at least 4 GOOD senior programmer's, and nobody good wants to come into this toxic workplace, imagine that.
A realtor came. Vet appts scheduled. Favorite goat transporter I've used before booked and paid for. Guinea pigs rehomed. Farm sitter arranged. Ducks have a home to go to.
We are going down after close to put up pens/stalls in the barn and get ready. Then we will come back here for 4 days as the movers and animal transporter comes. House dogs and cats go with us in the van. Bailey gets to go with her herd. My parents will receive them if needed. Making calls to book the human movers (relocation company hires them, but we do the leg work).
Amusingly enough my brief stint eating normally and not avoiding wheat products has made me start losing hair from all the itching. It's thinner than it was. Guess I'd better ALWAYS follow the rules or everyone will know I have bad self control, lol.
I. Didn't. Get. To. Eat. A. Doughnut. Excuse me while I go eat ice cream or one of all the hundreds of other junk food options I've got while eyeing the other side of the fence like a goat. Boo hoo. First world dork problems.
Close is the 29th. The prep trip is the 4th.
Right? Right.
Oh. And I found round bales of 2nd and 3rd cutting only a few minutes from the house that the guy says he can bring his tractor to unload.
Yes, at least four people. Upper level engineers kept quitting, and managers kept asking him to take over all of the leaving people's responsibilities over and over. And when they hired new people they just gave them new responsibilities and had DH keep those of the people that quit. Makes me mad. He could do it, but it cost him (dearly on personal, family, career growth, and personal ambitions fronts). Very inconsiderate to say the least.Finally. It is upon you and y'all are moving to a place and a job for your DH that is a much better and happier place. Couldn't be happier for you. Takes FOUR people to replace your husband? And they wonder why he is leaving? Truly the Land of the Stupid. How wonderful for him to get away from there.
This. Good for your husband for getting out of there.If they wanted him to stay they should have been more respectful of his humanity earlier.