rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Oh @rachels.haven ... I feel so bad for you... but believe me there are more total A$$HOLES in Mass than in all the rest of the new england states.... Do whatever you have to, including into looking into a lawyer... but why are you having to deal with anyone? Did you list this house with a RE agent? If not, get the end of sale contract lawyer to suggest someone... or tell him that you will sue these crazy people if they continue to harass you..... If you decided to do a sell by owner, please just get a r.e. agent, take it on the chin for the commission and get it sold with no direct dealings with a prospective buyer, and get gone from there. I would not deal with someone from Mass if they were the last people on earth and I was going to die without dealing with them. Really, I am a born and bred N.E. Yankee and I would not deal with someone from Mass....
I wish half those arrogant A**holes would get covid and suffer and then just starve to death. Another reason to never go back to my Yankee roots. That whole area has gone to such extremes to think they are "better than"..... They think they are so far above the average "peon" and so much smarter and better than those that do not have the same privileged upbringing or the same level of financial liquidity.... Rich stupid snobs that would frickin starve to death without us dumb farmers......but they can buy whatever they want....

Good luck with Mo's possible "job change". I assume this is to help with the allergy difficulties?


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Just reading your back postings and got tothe listing of the goat semen. Lucky Star is a top notch breeder in Washington State and Rocking CB is also close to her. Those bucks might be bucks that were purchased from those 2 breeders, but you can get information on them by contacting Judy Hoy at Lucky Star. Cindy Silva at Rockin CB will also be able to tell you about the Rockin CB buck. Excellent breeders with fabulous animals. We had some Lucky Star LaManchas and they were gorgeous. All of Judy Hoy's goats are also on milk test and many are multiple *** milkers. Good stuff there - call Judy and she can possibly tell you about some of the other LaManchas in your tank.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Your place looks great and you and DH must be in 7th heaven with relief to get out of Mass, and out of that job of his.

I am with Farmerjan - why are these people that pulled their offer on your house still even talking to you? You had an accepted offer and then they pulled out. If anyone should be threatening anyone it should be you threatening to sue for a contract on which they reneged. If they keep bothering you, you need to get a restraining order. However, if you have a real estate agent, your agent is responsible to talk to their agent. In most states if you have an agent and they have an agent, the 2 agents talk and you only talk to your agent - kind of like attorneys. Why on earth would they be threatening you over their cancellation of the contract?!



Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Playground. With the little boy who wants to be big.
Is DH training up another "Danger Dan"??

Did you list this house with a RE agent?
And lose the 6%? But .... in this case I would since Rachel is no longer in the neighborhood. We sold our house to people in the old neighborhood that I sell eggs to. They were renting there waiting for a house to come up for sale. Only a dang fool pays a REA in that neighborhood. Don't even advertize, just tell the neighbors you are looking to sell and you will have people at the door. We still both got our own "CYA" RE lawyers.

Since the Harvard grads backed out, you get to keep the deposit. Your RE lawyer DID get a deposit, right?


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Your place looks great and you and DH must be in 7th heaven with relief to get out of Mass, and out of that job of his.

I am with Farmerjan - why are these people that pulled their offer on your house still even talking to you? You had an accepted offer and then they pulled out. If anyone should be threatening anyone it should be you threatening to sue for a contract on which they reneged. If they keep bothering you, you need to get a restraining order. However, if you have a real estate agent, your agent is responsible to talk to their agent. In most states if you have an agent and they have an agent, the 2 agents talk and you only talk to your agent - kind of like attorneys. Why on earth would they be threatening you over their cancellation of the contract?!

Oh @rachels.haven ... I feel so bad for you... but believe me there are more total A$$HOLES in Mass than in all the rest of the new england states.... Do whatever you have to, including into looking into a lawyer... but why are you having to deal with anyone? Did you list this house with a RE agent? If not, get the end of sale contract lawyer to suggest someone... or tell him that you will sue these crazy people if they continue to harass you..... If you decided to do a sell by owner, please just get a r.e. agent, take it on the chin for the commission and get it sold with no direct dealings with a prospective buyer, and get gone from there. I would not deal with someone from Mass if they were the last people on earth and I was going to die without dealing with them. Really, I am a born and bred N.E. Yankee and I would not deal with someone from Mass....
I wish half those arrogant A**holes would get covid and suffer and then just starve to death. Another reason to never go back to my Yankee roots. That whole area has gone to such extremes to think they are "better than"..... They think they are so far above the average "peon" and so much smarter and better than those that do not have the same privileged upbringing or the same level of financial liquidity.... Rich stupid snobs that would frickin starve to death without us dumb farmers......but they can buy whatever they want....

Good luck with Mo's possible "job change". I assume this is to help with the allergy difficulties?
Wow, that's a lot of text that comes from the "reply" button. and my T key is on the blitz again. The answer to that question is that they are very difficult people. They have been harassing our agent to try and get our contact info, and when they're not getting that they'd been trying to force her to pass on messages, and talk through her. So we got some of what happened, and even tha portion was A LOT. And now we're dealing directly with the city. Obscure law breakers that we are. It doesn't matter much but our real estate agent has apologized for even being willing to deal with them and entertain their offer. She's a very experienced realtor, but apparently this was unexpected for her too.

We may have a buyer though that I didn't know about earlier who is trying to get a construction loan and has been back 4+ times with contractors and really likes it and they DEFINITELY know what they are dealing with and have no illusions about he barn. Financing is slow, their assessor comes out in the next few days to decide if the property would have enough value if it becomes a horse boarding facility for the construction loan. Prayers and fingers crossed. :fl Funny how different sets of people can get the same schpeel and one group becomes a living horror show and the other gets it and wants to repurpose or rebuild to make the most of it.

I guess I'll let you know later if our ancient agricultural chicken barn qualifies as a "dangerous and uninhabitable building" worth being a complaint to the city. :he (I didn't think you were supposed to inhabit agricultural buildings as there is no code for them in Mass and all...also all people that are taken through are told-and if they wanted shown-that the building has structural issues so it's not like anything was hidden?):th:hu Honestly it almost seems like the crazy, entitled affluent people from Harvard thought they could turn it into a second house quick and easy or that the barn was move in ready for people and was not solely being used for storage of mowers and garden tools and didn't listen when they were told on the tour that it wasn't fit for that and needed work. I really did not think people like this were going to be on our docket for that nice little humble property but I guess we are not immune.

But, as DH pointed out, we are doing okay. We are out of there. Now to get the other property gone cut those ties!!!


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Honestly it almost seems like the crazy, entitled affluent people from Harvard thought they could turn it into a second house quick and easy or that the barn was move in ready for people and was not solely being used for storage of mowers and garden tools and didn't listen when they were told on the tour that it wasn't fit for that and needed work.

That is probably what they did think. With the influx of people needing housing they may have thought that they could slap some paint in the walls and presto! 2 rentable units log with the main house.

In our state (CA) the laws about codes and so on are being changed because the ultra libs want more houses on every lot. (Not where they live of course, but in other neighborhoods.) The guy at the bottom of our tiny private road has converted the old barn into a 2 story house. Where they are going to park I don't know. Now he is building another big building in the horse corral. Hopefully it is a shelter to take the place of the barn that he converted but I am afraid he will build it as a barn and then convert it to housing. I don't really care but his workers are parking in the road and we can't get up our hill. The delivery man was having to walk up with packages! Anyone adding 750 sf to their homes were supposed to widen the road but he didn't. Some of our lawmakers have even said that it is "immoral" for a person to only have one house on a lot and not to share with others. Sounds like this Harvard couple are like that. They are probably hoping that you will offer to reduce the price a lot to make up for the falling down chicken house.

If the problems with the existing outbuildings were declared at the outset, they will have no claim against you. I would just have the realtor tell them that any offer they made has been cancelled according to the terms if the contract and that he not speak to them anymore. After all, they don't have to buy the place!

I wouldn't worry about them anymore. Here only adjacent property owners have the right to make complaints about the property. Since the outbuildings are not being inhabited the city shouldn't have any complaints. In fact, you might have the realtor put a chain and padlock on the gate so no one can get in the yard without a key. The realtor can either put a lockbox on the front door (with your permission) or require anyone wishing to view the property to do it in person with him. That would keep any city inspectors out of the yard.

What a pain in the neck for you though.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
How unreal that people would act like that. What a master escape y'all pulled off to get out of that sh!thole. Cesspool of imitation humanity. "Nuff said.

Moses has a career now. Anxiety is real, it can be crippling and you are an angel to share Moses with your sister. I have a sneaking hunch that it will be the best thing that has ever happened to her. I've always known that you are an outstanding woman, here is another example of the bursting at the seams love in your heart.


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
Reaction score
western Arkansas
Speaking of dogs, Moses is putting in an application for a career change.
I wish there were a way to express several emotions on that post. Some of it made me happy, some made me sad, some made me so proud of you!

That is so sad about the emotional support dog that got killed in the road. It is so thoughtful and caring that you would consider giving them Moses. I hope whatever happens that your mother and sisters can get the assistance they need.

I am so proud of you, Miss @rachels.haven! Here is an example of why you are among my favorite of people on this forum! :hugs

I hope you can get rid of those jerks who are hassling you about your house, and then can get your property sold so you can finally got out of that troubled place.

Senile Texas Aggie

edited to add: Sister Teresa once said "We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love." Thank you for inspiring me.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Aw, thank you. I know about the multiple reactions thing. It's been a very full of feelings week or two for us in real life too. Life is good though. We seem to be keeping it more together!
I'm going to miss Moses, but he's not exactly going to be permanently gone even if it works out. He'll be in and out. (I keep telling myself)