rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a

They have moved to Mighty Network at $2.99 per month.

With an underbite like that, you may want to take him back to the breeder. He will always be a problem dog. I can handle some weirdness, and I can handle physical problems that can be repaired or dealt with, but you got weirdness and an unfixable and untreatable physical problems going on here. You have some decisions to make.

You can give it your best shot and go through the training all over again and just know that he will always be on a special diet. Then, maybe just accept that he is going to be weird. He is a great guardian, get him neutered so that he doesn't pass on his genetics, and let him guard. You wanted a good guard dog, you got a good guard dog, he's just a screwball.

If you are prepared to put him on a soft food diet and can deal with the physical problem, then tackle the weirdness problem. An intensive 3 month training program of close contact with the family and see where it goes. It might turn out great, he might go back to feral.

I guess the question is, which is more valuable to you? His great guardian instincts or family friendly? If you can't make him family friendly, be prepared to doctor his food, knock him out, so the vet can make a house call and give him his shots, etc.
He may be pittering out. I'm going to take him to the vet tomorrow or so if they'll let me come. He's refusing all food beyond a few pieces of shredded chicken I shoved in. Now he will take no more. His energy level is gone. I looked in his mouth all the way back and none of his teeth line up at all-he can't even close his mouth. His top teeth are about a full inch behind his bottom teeth. I think he's in a lot of pain somewhere and if it's not something simple like worms that treating will improve his quality of life rather than subject him to a miserable treatment plan with maybe an outcome of only a semi normal, semi comfortable life I may get him put down. He's lying on our kitchen floor looking like he wishes he could die already. This is a dog that has been on monthly prevention and high quality food and all the vet care that is typical.

I forgot that taking him back was an option. A refund would be kind of silly at this point. His neuter cost more than his purchase price. But I guess if they could take over his care or lack there of it would be nice. Dan is sad. Mark is also sad. They like Riker.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
It doesn’t sound good. I’m so sorry. Give Riker a pat from me. We sure do get some ‘effed up dogs. At least mine was fixable.

I don’t blame you one bit if it comes down to putting Riker down. A peaceful drift off and never wake up is better than a miserable life of trying to fix what sounds terribly broken.

Will you take the boys? It will break their heart, but it would also teach them to put Riker’s comfort and feelings ahead of theirs. It may help them to be stroking his fur and telling him all about the rainbow bridge where dogs run and play and there is no pain. It might be better than bringing a dead dog home to bury. They could be part of the whole goodbye process.

And yes, I cry miserably when I put mine down, but I sure feel like they need to know that I’m there. Then it’s home and a honored burial.

ETA I don’t mean to sound so pessimistic. It would be wonderful if the vet can give Riker a good life, I don’t have all the information on him, hoping for the best for him.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
It will be my mess. I'll figure it out when I get there. What I'd like to hear is that we're not there yet and it's a simple fix like getting some fluids and getting him back on his feet. Maybe he requires regular extra supervision and pampering? Today has not been encouraging though. We have a big house. I would not mind an over sized house dog or even an lgd that only spends part time outside. Gee, I hope they have time for us tomorrow.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Maybe. He was doing this in the field too. I could only get him to eat every few days and he'd act scared of the food/eating. I figured it was something I was doing like getting too close or mixing water vs milk, wrong container, but in retrospect...probably not.

Mom came over this evening and we drenched him with water until he was willing to drink. He is still acting crampy and not eating, but he drank. He got a little color back in his eyelids. He's not dead white.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Riker was taken to the vet today to wait for a gap in the schedule. After getting the rehydration treatment last night he was eventually willing to eat a little piece of pork rib and snuck in half a tin of cat food when we put him in the basement. Very shaky today. I'm not sure what his prognosis is considering his symptoms are not acute like just eating something stupid would be, but I guess we'll find out (lots of $$$ down the road, I'm sure).

And the photos on my journal are going to stop for a bit now. I cracked my phone something like 8 months ago and after all that has happened it just finally decided to refuse to touchscreen so it's done. Those things are so expensive and breakable...So no photos until I suck it up and get a new one. :sick


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Rain is forecasted Thursday. I'm considering picking up a few bags of pasture fertilizer from TSC and putting them down right before the storm. I would not mind collecting samples and getting soil tests done but life won't quite give me a chance at the moment.