Herd Master
Could be Cushings disease. Bandito, my red cattle dog had that. Excessing drinking, eating like there was no tomorrow by busting into trash cans, trying to pull things off of countertops, trying to eat chicken food, snatching things out of our hand, bullying the cat, and behavior changes. Spent lots of money at two vets to be finally diag with Cushings.
A med helped a bit, but after three months, the symptoms increased. I finally had to put him down, and boy oh boy he was mad mad mad about that. Groaned, growled, snapped at the vet techs, who barely got the line in without danger. Then When they got him back to me, he wasn't right. I told them to hurry, give sedative and then hurry with the euthansia.
I'm sorry.
You really had a bad time with that. It’s kind of you to post this, so Rachel knows trying to “save” Bailey only puts off the inevitable and prolongs the misery. That’s what we do here. We share the good, but we also share the bad. It helps others.