rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
As far as the dogs, make sure that they are people friendly and have been handled.So many are raised without human interaction and that is very hard with an adult dog. I had a barker...he barked at the sun, the moon, the stars, the flowers, the leaves, the flies...you get the picture. The three I have now, and the one I recently rehomed, only bark when there is a threat, or the neighbor is driving down our road...they all hate him. It is nice to know that when my dogs bark I need to listen. But a constantly barking dog is enough to make a person crazy. If you decide to get a puppy there is an awesome Facebook group for training. They train differently than any other thing I have ever read but if I ever have another puppy I will use their methods.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Which FB group if you don't mind me asking? Not planning on a puppy, but I can always lurk.
You beat me to it! LOL Even though I have 2 LGD's, I am still a beginner. I have found that you have to sift through the nonsense to find the wisdom, on most information that you find. I learned tons right here on BYH, we have some very wise people here!


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
Which FB group if you don't mind me asking? Not planning on a puppy, but I can always lurk.

She believes in bringing a puppy inside for training and socialization and when it is outside it is tethered near the stock when it is alone. Set the pup up for complete success. And like raising children, she does not go with this idea that you never correct them, she believes in appropriate "escalation and beat the crap out of them (not really)" when needed. :D =D It is a no fuss, no drama group. Good information and good ideas that I will try if I ever have a new puppy.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I did not tether Trip, I penned him next to the sheep. It worked. Since Paris was fully grown, 4 or 5 years old, she only wanted to attack them, so in the backyard she went. We built a small pen to wean the lambs in, in HER back yard. Over time she accepted them as HERS and protected them. We let them out in small increments of time, with us being out there with her, and she guarded them. On that correction thing, I caught her chasing them and went ballistic on her. I yelled, screamed, chased, cornered her up and yelled some more. Never did that again. Make the first mistake one to remember.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
I did come back anemic, so I guess it's time to get my drenching gun and do a worming, lol
I'm glad to see you plan to make time to improve your health ;)

I looked at the ad, he sounds like a good dog.
I agree. Working dog and a fair price. Owner wants him to stay a working dog, that shows he cares about the dog. Would need to make sure the barking is working barks not incessant. Sounds like you have an unusual situation, two likely good dogs to choose from. OH how I wish I could take one. If you do get one of these, you can get a GP pup later, the older dog will teach the younger and in ways that you, a simple human, can not.


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
I did not tether Trip, I penned him next to the sheep. It worked. Since Paris was fully grown, 4 or 5 years old, she only wanted to attack them, so in the backyard she went. We built a small pen to wean the lambs in, in HER back yard. Over time she accepted them as HERS and protected them. We let them out in small increments of time, with us being out there with her, and she guarded them. On that correction thing, I caught her chasing them and went ballistic on her. I yelled, screamed, chased, cornered her up and yelled some more. Never did that again. Make the first mistake one to remember.

That is what the moderator of the group says to do as far as corrections...make the first one one to remember. I remember reading about Paris when she was new to you and your patience paid off. She is a lucky girl to have landed in your life.

I have never tethered a dog either but I also had a pen right next to the goats for them to stay in. But I could see where tethering in a chicken yard might be a good idea for poultry training. I also believe that the group suggests tethering in the house next to your bed at night to aid in housebreaking. I honestly haven't read all of the files since I don't have an untrained LGD at the moment. (Thank God for that). Alondra is doing great at her new home, no chasing chickens and no chasing cats. Just goes to show that an old dog can learn new tricks. Alondra just turned 3 years old last week. I miss that girl...a lot. I didn't realize how much I was going to miss her until it was too late. But she's happy so that is what really matters.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
OH how I wish I could take one.

There seems to be a lot of ldg's and breeders up here (hmm, wonder why?). If you ever need to some to Massachusetts for a dog hunting trip, you should look us up. I'd have to see where we're at, but we might have an extra room with dorm grade bed available for a night or two while you hunted-or at least a meal (especially if we still haven't put functional locks on the spare room doors, which I've realized is a little ridiculous if your guests ever want to feel like they have privacy). BUT again, we're not close to anything, especially not highways. I think the big house people like it like that, but it does make any kind of visiting difficult.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Starting to sound like a skipping record, but the hawk's back. I was milking and I heard the chickens upset. I assumed the run cover would protect them and briefly checked on them when I was done and saw nothing. Now I'm down to 31 chickens. I had 36 the night before. I started with 44 birds outside. I looked at the run and it looks like the hawk's been walking around on top pulling on the baling twine I used to tie it again, creating gaps and breaking twine, and I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see him doing it last time. He also hops under the shed and just grabs birds. out of the dark.

Husband told me one of his coworkers' wife starts out with a box of baby chicks every year, lets them free range, then they're down to zero by the end of the season. He thinks a lot of people do that, so the hawks are used to getting fed, like entitled domestic animals. I'm getting close to wanting to quit, but the birds are so, so beautiful. I really should sell them while they're not hawk food and save their lives. The roosters sound like flutes when they crow too-not annoying. The sound rolls down the hill of our front yard and gets absorbed in the trees. I want to keep them so bad.

We have a roll of deer netting to put over the run while we're at church. Then Mark suggested we build something. I hope the hawk gets stuck and dies while I'm gone.

Hardwick dog is pending to someone else and FB man is not answering further messages or comments, so I will assume he changed his mind. Guess I missed my chance.

If I had a chance I would keep a whiting true blue rooster(s) and an ameraucana rooster(s) and all the hens I've got left.

Well, happy sunday all!

Dog probably couldn't guard the chickens anyway. They are out of the goat pen.

On a happy note, Avalon's due kid on September 6th. Happy, happy, happy?