I don't have a well, but our water is over-"chloramined" and nasty to drink. I invested a couple years ago in a gravity filter (like a Berkeley) and I love the taste. I use it for brewing coffee, too. No more bottled water!Yep. New dishwasher time-one that hasn't been exposed to extremely acid water for years on end after being bought used in the first place The system we put in should help it last a normal amount of time.
As a side note we found out that us drilling another well will not change our water quality. Most areas have a clay layer between the surface soil and the (bed?)rock and water table that helps seal out contaminants and this area does not have that layer so the well water is just foul and polluted. Nobody should be on well water anymore here with all the development, but we're the AG reserve (viewed as similar to a game preserve and farmers and farms are the wild life) so the utility is unlikely to ever let us on so the best we can do is an expensive system to clean and sterlize it...that we may add to now that we have that information. And i may retest the water from time to time to make sure we are okay. And i won't miss the water if we ever move.