rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Aw man, thunder.
I got her to eat a cup of food by pouring milk on it before the thunder filled typhoon let loose. I also cut off about a cat's worth of matting on her back. Lots more grooming and kid scissoring to do from her neglected coat. Poor girl though all of this just wanted to go hide in the loft until the thunder stopped, but I WASN'T in the loft so she tried to hide under the goats I was milking. That didn't work, so she wound up tied next to me, ignoring the rest of her food. Tomorrow will be a better day, I guess.


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
Reaction score
Poor darlin, she's really feeling lost and confused right now. Stupid thunderstorm didn't help any either. But, she's seeking you out for comfort instead of bolting to the furthest corner of the place so I think that's a positive.

I agree - tomorrow will be a better day. :fl


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
My husband also says he loves her quiet confident presence. I like her too. Love for me always comes a day or two in. Regardless, I think we've got a winner here.

Things are better in the barn now. Storm did not last as long as it was forecasted.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Grooming progress. Looks like her undercoat didn't come out properly. Very patient doggo.

Do dogs like Batman hats? From yesterday.

If I cut the dreadlock solid mat off, I can comb the rest out, BUT the mats leave short spots behind. Lots of pink skin between hair, but noting red. I think she's going to be getting a lot more brushing from now on. Gotta go to church! And I stink like the barn, 3 rutty bucks, 4 does, and a big dirty dog.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I think this is a very lucky dog to have landed with you! I bet she'll be proving her worth and paying you back very soon!

Farm perfume.....:lol:

When she barks at night, you will learn the different barks. Sometimes mine just seem to be barking with no real purpose. I go out and talk to them, tell them good dog and let them know I am their back-up. This makes them happy and they usually settle down. It is important for them to know that they can depend on you.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
She has yet to bark, so when she does I will definitely investigate. Something will probably be wrong and she deserves backup.
Infact, come to think of it, if you didn't see her or the brushed out hair all over the barn yard you would not know we had a new dog at all.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Trusting Bailey with the does tonight. Still haven't heard one bark, but she is out there watching. She's got the barn floods and wing lights on, and one of the house floods is on, and one of the little lights, and she's in the barn pen, watching and waiting outside. :fl Also put piles of her hair around the buck's pen. Now we look like a dog exploded outside (OH, THAT'S how people will know she's here! I get it now).

Today I let her out when I let the does out to go back to the barn and she decided she wanted to go where the kids are and made a beeline for the front porch, which of course let to pandemonium and confusion from the goats and she got slightly stubborn about not wanting to go to the barn, but I got her there (she tried to collar slip me, but I know that trick from my shelter days, so I use a mendota style lead on dogs I don't know well). Children are the most interesting animal for her too, I guess.

I also got her to eat two whole cups of food, cereal and milk style for dinner, so she's doing better than yesterday. She can't stop pacing to eat and only seems relaxed while guarding, so it took a long, long time to finish it all, but if she's willing to eat 2 cups food with milk on it, twice daily, I'm satisfied with that. Her last owner had her on the TSC retriever 27% blue bag stuff, so we got some and I'm feeding it now. She's not fat, but very well muscled and no big tummy under all that hair, so the food is working for her. No hot spots under those mats. Hope the 2 c's of milk don't make her fat. :hide I may switch to another brand because this food smells like dog poop before it goes in, but I figure I should hold off on changing as much as I can now. I'd really like her on something that doesn't smell like poop.

More brushing and taking out the shed going on. If I can find a groomer that will just brush her out for me and can see her soonish, I'll bring her in (they usually do that before bathing anyway if I remember right, because water tightens existing knots). It is going to take hours. No baths though. She needs those oils. Otherwise I'll just keep working it out and if I don't have it in a week I may shave her whole rear end and under her ears (poor dog). Then, either way, when she's no longer in as embarrassing a shape I'd like to get her to the vet for a physical and her rabies shot is due in October, so I may see if I can get her boostered early so I can register her.

So yes, I think life is finally settling down. DH and I take a gun safety class tomorrow and the kids get sittered. One of my kids' guinea pigs died last week, probably from old age or heart issues, so we're on the hunt for another "my kid got bored with this" one from CraigsList or babies. Plenty of oops litters and actual breeders out there. No need for a $60 who knows where they came from or are they healthy pet store guinea pig. Our original pair was $1, and I'm fairly certain they were older than the owners were saying based on their leg and back arthritis and how much their toes were curled and hip prominence (despite being chunky)-all signs of great GP age. But that's what almost free gets you, and they were both sweet guinea pigs, and the remaining one will get friends back again soon and continue being pampered for the rest of her days.

Overall, I'm happy. I hope the doggo does well guarding tonight.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Didn't take long for DH to take a liking to her :)

I'm sure she is unsettled and you two will figure things out. I don't recall what all good advice you've been given so I apologize if this is a duplicate. She may CHOOSE to not eat for a day or two, then eat a lot the next day. For their size they don't eat a lot, maybe because they aren't run around, bouncy all day dogs.

"Listen" to her, she will let you know what needs to be done. She will hear things you do not, smell things you do not. My guess is that with her in the yard, that coyote will be looking elsewhere for dinner. She will let you know if it comes by.

I am seriously happy for you! :weee

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