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- #81
Herd Master
Last hatch of the season under way (last, that is, if I have anything to say about it of course). Chicken and duck addition is now over, onto subtraction in the name of (short) family vacations and winter stable numbers. For the rest of the year it's time to fight broodies of various species. And find a hay source. And maybe put up a bigger, stronger permanent goat pen around the temporary one
(and maybe join ADGA and do my goats' paperwork, and maybe get the older doe bred in the fall, and whatever else comes our way). Lots of stuff.
3 khakis in the incubator (muscovy/chicken incubated, incubator hatched), lots of muscovy in the nest. Unfortunately we had a run of rats come through. It used to be 14 khaki eggs, but the rats got to most of them. We'll see how many muscovy eggs made it because I failed to count when removing the khakis. I believe the rats are all dead now. Instead a groundhog decided to take up residence this morning
Gotta love the suburbs. No weapons. No one kills pests. They just dump them around.
3 khakis in the incubator (muscovy/chicken incubated, incubator hatched), lots of muscovy in the nest. Unfortunately we had a run of rats come through. It used to be 14 khaki eggs, but the rats got to most of them. We'll see how many muscovy eggs made it because I failed to count when removing the khakis. I believe the rats are all dead now. Instead a groundhog decided to take up residence this morning