rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Well, poo. The little white Nigerian buck Beaul does not have a very good batting record so far. Today all but one of his five does are back or going back into heat-the 18ish month old ND doe hasn't gone back in yet. So I'm re-breeding every single mini Saanen to him one more time and if this round fails we may be breeding one doe back to her dad and he's going to make mini sable kids out of all of them.
It's also another vaccine day for me so I'm sick and out of gas so I threw them in a stall to stay for an hour or so. It looks like he climbs up but runs out of mojo while he's up there and slides off, job undone. Plenty of courting and buttering up does. They love him. They're not even that much taller than him...and he does NOT want help and my family does not help me with the breeding side of goats so I'm on my own. It's like if it's not perfect he's not playing. He's starting to get ridden around the stall because he's buttering them up so much. :barnie So I'll be putting my barn pants and rubber gloves and a hoodie back on to break up their probably fruitless party and we'll wait for next cycle in a few minutes. I really hope that at least that one ND doe is bred and he's not just infertile/disfunctional. (she did bite me out of the blue through my jeans yesterday while I was fluffing what's left of their round bale...I'm still confused about that-it would be a sucky way to show she's horny though).