rachels.haven's Journal


True BYH Addict
Golden Herd Member
Sep 20, 2024
Reaction score
Eastern NC
My sister is a professional shopper. You can’t drag me in a mall with a bulldozer. Her house is perfect, decorated to the hilt with all kinds of what I consider to be cutesy crap. If I have to dust it, I don’t want it, except for essential items. She is pure city, shopping is her entertainment. I live down a dead end dirt road in the middle of nowhere and I’m perfectly happy.
Green Acres...


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
No, I've found giving bones to the LGD's causes very hot battles and sometimes they bite through the bones and eat them like candy but it shreds their gums and they bleed all over. So no, no bones this time. My dogs might be broken. Or it may just have been Bailey. She was a little odd about food.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Today we rolled out all the round bales and Mark drove the trailer into the barn to be under cover and out of sight. Then we rolled the rounds back in (11 left). Mark learns very fast with the trailer and he becomes very precise very quickli but it was difficult for him because he's allergic to the hay dust! ...and then there was the four year old jumping around inside the truck while he was learning...It's never simple.

I also got a blue seal dairy goat delivery from "The Mill". They put it right in the barn. I'm amazed. Maybe we'll be okay feed wise.

I also found a holstein dairy that's selling extra alfalfa and I'm seeing if I can arrange a delivery so i can continue feeding alfalfa with the orchard rounds. The bales are more like 40 lbs, but it's still cheaper than feeding pellets and good protein is a magic bullet against parasites and for good growth and milk production.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a

Here I am attempting to follow the "pics or it didn't happen" rule.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
I went to test drive a very well maintained 2014 F150 Lariat today. I think I like it. Our van is also a 2014 luxury vehicle (that has had children and goats in it regularly since we got it). I'm starting to think cars peaked in niceness 10 years ago.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Yesterday Mark had just gotten back into bed to do some programming, as usual. We'd just turned off our house internet promoting the kids to all go outside and then come back in as they were tired. Usually he's pretty morbid during the winter, but this time he said something that made me think. As he went to go turn on a YouTube video in one of his tabs so he could listen to the audio as he worked, he said something like, "if YouTube went away tomorrow, we'd go try to go to it for a week or so but then we'd never think about it again". FB is already dying because of what they're doing with their algorithm, AI, and advertising but all the other social media platforms are similar. As soon as the users would break that addiction to quick entertainment and the illusion of community connection in a week or so the sites would be water under the bridge and we wouldn't think about them again.
Then I thought about this site. I'd miss this site. Whoever runs this platform does a good job allowing it to connect people and form online communities over monetizing. And the moderators do a good job preventing firefights. I've learned a lot and come a long way since joining here. (Thanks guys) It made me realize I really appreciate backyard herds. And how clean this form stays. We have good people here on all ends. Controlling bots and spam too. And letting us connect has humans, doing a whole lot better than other high tech platforms with their legions of programmers, share holders, and millions.

So just thank you.
How's that for a New Year's thought. 🎊
(It might be time for another year of paid membership on here for me if I can figure out how to do it because I guess if I appreciate it I should pay for it. I haven't for the last year or two with all the chaos we had. I just forgot...plus I thought it looked ostentatious to see it noted by my username, but whatever.)


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Yesterday Mark had just gotten back into bed to do some programming, as usual. We'd just turned off our house internet promoting the kids to all go outside and then come back in as they were tired. Usually he's pretty morbid during the winter, but this time he said something that made me think. As he went to go turn on a YouTube video in one of his tabs so he could listen to the audio as he worked, he said something like, "if YouTube went away tomorrow, we'd go try to go to it for a week or so but then we'd never think about it again". FB is already dying because of what they're doing with their algorithm, AI, and advertising but all the other social media platforms are similar. As soon as the users would break that addiction to quick entertainment and the illusion of community connection in a week or so the sites would be water under the bridge and we wouldn't think about them again.
Then I thought about this site. I'd miss this site. Whoever runs this platform does a good job allowing it to connect people and form online communities over monetizing. And the moderators do a good job preventing firefights. I've learned a lot and come a long way since joining here. (Thanks guys) It made me realize I really appreciate backyard herds. And how clean this form stays. We have good people here on all ends. Controlling bots and spam too. And letting us connect has humans, doing a whole lot better than other high tech platforms with their legions of programmers, share holders, and millions.

So just thank you.
How's that for a New Year's thought. 🎊
(It might be time for another year of paid membership on here for me if I can figure out how to do it because I guess if I appreciate it I should pay for it. I haven't for the last year or two with all the chaos we had. I just forgot...plus I thought it looked ostentatious to see it noted by my username, but whatever.)
Yes, yes, and HECK YES!!!
I love this place. Good caring and honest people. Paid membership? Hmm - have to look see, as I certainly enjoy BHY, and have learned so much from everyone here. Thank you one and all.
Pipedream - meeting everyone face to face. I have a feeling it would be like meeting up with an old friend who you haven't seen in years and picking up right where you left off.