I've got to quit looking. I've got two dwarf does due the 22nd. I don't think we're letting them dam raise anything. I think we'll be focusing on after kidding mother care. The two standard does that had better keep the hostages hostage until their date.
Your weather report is much, much worse than mine. I will comfort myself with that thought when in out in the extreme (for me) cold weather coming to see me starting tomorrow. I have big fat ewes due too. I told them last night they’d better get with it, like now!
I had a set of twins and a set of triplets born this week after last week’s bad weather. I have 2 ewes due NOW. Last call girls! After tomorrow you aren’t going to like it!
Most of mine have obliged me with kidding in the "better of worse" days. Only the one this past weekend had poor timing but, it's working. I have same frigid weather coming -- hold off, ladies!
It's so up and down this year most places too, so it totally is kind of a gamble as to which kind of days they go on. Like, today's high is 40's. We're probably going to work on melting off some of that snow we put down a week or two ago. We'll get a little muddy. But Monday/Tuesday? Back to the Arctic with us! Frozen mud time. And here's a few more inches of snow for good measure (this morning they're saying 3+...I see where this is going).
As soon as our temps drop, I'm rolling out another round bale and spreading the remainder of the last bale out for dry bedding for this cold snap. It's the least I can do-to keep their hay burning ovens running and the frozen moisture down there and not on them.