rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Quad does from the triple wide ND sometime after 10. I had to call the vet out because they all decided to come at once in a big ball i could not understand. And they are TINY.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Summer, Lamancha, who does not allowed me to touch or get close to her during the last few weeks of pregnancy but is one of my favorites any other time, kidded during hay feeding time. I swiped the doe away, but left her with the buck to raise probably for meat.

Riker gleefully and violently stole the baby while I was finishing chores and I suspect someone attempted to drag the afterbirth out of Summer because it was bit off (gonna blame Cookie there). Summer ran for me calling, frantically demanding her baby back and telling on the dogs. I chased Riker away, half way down the pasture because baby goats are MINE at least if we can't seem to figure out baby goats are the mom's. And then I grabbed the biggie baby and called Summer and we walked to last nights stall. She got to wait in the alley with her kid while I mucked the big wet mess that was Bri's tough labor. Then they got to go in and enjoy fresh shavings and a lamp. I was RIGHT there but a lot happened very quickly this morning.

After all this Cookie the puppy bravely defended the goats from a stray party balloon. I caught it and let her carry it off for killing/popping (cleaned up now). Then she got the rest of Summer's afterbirth. Riker does not touch them so I know/think he did not bite off that part of Summer's cleanings. He does clean all the goats butts though so it's always possible it was all him and I'm wrong. Someone did it.

So now we're waiting on just Dot and Emmi. It's on the plan to also allow Emmi to raise her bucklings, and she appears to be losing her ligaments now. Dot is a little more standoffish, so no buckling raising for her.

So I guess I'm up to milking 3 now, although for Summer I may just be draining her off once or twice a day, which is fine. After her hard labor a few years ago with a kid with backwards joints, she dribbles pee down her udder and while hand milking her 9" teats and latex gloves deflatable udder makes me happy, cleaning pee off her udder does not, so I'm going to keep her milk separate and only milk what Mr. Buckling does not finish. (Emmi is on the buckling raising list for her wide teats and higher SCC but I also know all her kids are excessively friendly when dam raised. Her, happy go lucky, up in your business demeanor seems to be genetic, I'd take a herd of does with that attitude and her wethers should be easy to handle still.)

After Dot and Emmi there are three minis to kid, and they are spaced wide apart between now and middle of March.
Light post moving kidding season.


True BYH Addict
Golden Herd Member
Sep 20, 2024
Reaction score
Eastern NC
Summer, Lamancha, who does not allowed me to touch or get close to her during the last few weeks of pregnancy but is one of my favorites any other time, kidded during hay feeding time. I swiped the doe away, but left her with the buck to raise probably for meat.

Riker gleefully and violently stole the baby while I was finishing chores and I suspect someone attempted to drag the afterbirth out of Summer because it was bit off (gonna blame Cookie there). Summer ran for me calling, frantically demanding her baby back and telling on the dogs. I chased Riker away, half way down the pasture because baby goats are MINE at least if we can't seem to figure out baby goats are the mom's. And then I grabbed the biggie baby and called Summer and we walked to last nights stall. She got to wait in the alley with her kid while I mucked the big wet mess that was Bri's tough labor. Then they got to go in and enjoy fresh shavings and a lamp. I was RIGHT there but a lot happened very quickly this morning.

After all this Cookie the puppy bravely defended the goats from a stray party balloon. I caught it and let her carry it off for killing/popping (cleaned up now). Then she got the rest of Summer's afterbirth. Riker does not touch them so I know/think he did not bite off that part of Summer's cleanings. He does clean all the goats butts though so it's always possible it was all him and I'm wrong. Someone did it.

So now we're waiting on just Dot and Emmi. It's on the plan to also allow Emmi to raise her bucklings, and she appears to be losing her ligaments now. Dot is a little more standoffish, so no buckling raising for her.

So I guess I'm up to milking 3 now, although for Summer I may just be draining her off once or twice a day, which is fine. After her hard labor a few years ago with a kid with backwards joints, she dribbles pee down her udder and while hand milking her 9" teats and latex gloves deflatable udder makes me happy, cleaning pee off her udder does not, so I'm going to keep her milk separate and only milk what Mr. Buckling does not finish. (Emmi is on the buckling raising list for her wide teats and higher SCC but I also know all her kids are excessively friendly when dam raised. Her, happy go lucky, up in your business demeanor seems to be genetic, I'd take a herd of does with that attitude and her wethers should be easy to handle still.)

After Dot and Emmi there are three minis to kid, and they are spaced wide apart between now and middle of March.
Light post moving kidding season.
I'm glad the kid-napped kid was okay.

Bad Riker!


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Me too.
Emmi went. Now only Dot is left in this wave.
*Gruesome alert* Emmi had 2 does, a buck, and a second buck that was born alive, but presented spine first. Emmi will stand for anything but after delivering 3 other kids in various malpositions she was about done with me up in her business so moving him around was very diffcult, plus his joints seemed to be moving funny. Everything seemed loose. Eventually I worked one rear foot and then another out and was able to slither him out, but on the ground it became apparent that what I was feeling while moving him around was real. He had zero muscle and his bones didn't seem properly calcified and they didn't seem connected together so everything could move in every direction. He cried as he died with his mom cleaning him up but couldn't move. When I went to go clean him and I picked him up by his forelegs the body stretched an unrealistic amount under gravity. I guess his bones really weren't connected together. The only other odd thing I noticed was his unbilical cord was smaller than a piece of bailing twine, so maybe he didn't finish coming together properly because of not enough nutrition or he was in the process of being aborted? I've never seen that before and I don't know what else could have caused it. The placenta also kind of had brown discoloration on some of the cotyledons. I guess I'm glad that pregnancy is over.
Please no more kidding drama. Too tired!
Last edited:


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Me too.
Emmi went. Now only Dot is left in this wave.
*Gruesome alert* Emmi had 2 does, a buck, and a second buck that was born alive, but presented spine first. Emmi will stand for anything but after delivering 3 other kids in various malpositions she was about done with me up in her business so moving him around was very diffcult, plus his joints seemed to be moving funny. Everything seemed loose. Eventually I worked one rear foot and then another out and was able to slither him out, but on the ground it became apparent that what I was feeling while moving him around was real. He had zero muscle and his bones didn't seem properly calcified and they didn't seem connected together so everything could move in every direction. He cried as he died with his mom cleaning him up but couldn't move. When I went to go clean him and I picked him up by his forelegs the body stretched an unrealistic amount under gravity. I guess his bones really weren't connected together. The only other odd thing I noticed was his unbilical cord was smaller than a piece of bailing twine, so maybe he didn't finish coming together properly because of not enough nutrition or he was in the process of being aborted? I've never seen that before and I don't know what else could have caused it. The placenta also kind of had brown discoloration on some of the cotyledons. I guess I'm glad that pregnancy is over.
Please no more kidding drama. Too tired!
One of Ree’s pups was like that - rubbery, but DOA. Vet said the placenta detached earlier - days. Though your kid had other issues and was alive. 🙁