rachels.haven's Journal


True BYH Addict
Golden Herd Member
Sep 20, 2024
Reaction score
Eastern NC
We can't fit a standard size refrigerator in the space that was built for the fridge in this house. We can't buy one that will fit in there either so will have to do some sort of remodeling on either the fridge hole or remove some cabinets. At this point DS1 is thinking about removing some cabinets on the end of the sink counter run for the fridge, and converting the "hole" to a pantry. Removing the base cabinets won't lose me any storage since they are not reachable - being hidden under a peninsula that comes out at right angles. The overhead cabinets above the peninsula are almost unreachable as well. Once we remove the peninsula, we will install an island whichwill give us plenty of base storage. A new pantry in the old fridge space will give us more overhead storage. It only takes $$$ and time. :gig
Money, time, and vision.


Herd Master
May 6, 2017
Reaction score
Hamilton County, north of Indianapolis
We can't buy one that will fit in there either so will have to do some sort of remodeling on either the fridge hole
We had the same problem during the later stages of the pandemic. No 33” wide fridges were available, only 36” ones. So my husband had to remove, cut down and put back the cabinets alongside the new fridge.

I don’t have a before picture, but I have a during (when he was measuring how much he would have to cut off of the Formica countertop) and an after.


No one would notice the change unless they happen to look up and down and realize that the bottom doors are closer together than the overhead ones.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
We're fixing to put an island into our kitchen. An island a lot like this.
or this
Unless Mark stops me. But Mark is out of town, so he can't stop me. Lol. Maybe I'll be nice and wait, but I need storage space for my steel pans.

The mini Saanen doe that was due today is leaking colostrum all over her belly and legs as opposed to bagging up. I think she's a hard cull for the freezer and definitely her buck kids and possibly her does too. They may have to be unregistered if I don't want to put the time and money into freshening them. Shame on me for buying in does rather than making my own.

Hope, the other mini Saanen is very cow hocked, worse than her dam where it came from, but no issues other than that and being fat. Unless I want to keep her around just for milk (and I'd be embarrassed to sell her cow hocked kids so probably no) I may just be letting all the mini Saanens go all at once and we'll just be a herd comprised of Lamancha, ND, and crosses of nice individuals from the two. And we have a lot of very pretty Lamanchas on the docket for next year, and possibly some experimentals I may breed for fall in order to go through them before having to feed them another winter.
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Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
I think you are right to cull out the Mini Saanens and stick with the good LaManchas you have. Your LaManchas are from xlt bloodlines with milk *s and you have just brought a couple of top bucks.

As to the kitchen island, instead of buying workbenches, do you have a Habitat for Humanity near you? They often have new stuff. The drawback is that you have to go there several times month to heck for the good buys. But if you can find some base cabinets (even decent used ones) you can do what I am doing which is attach them together to make a kitchen island. Once they are attached together, you cut a piece of plywood to fit on top and then put on a counter top. Lowes has 24" butcher block pieces which can be cut to sie and installed by screwing them on from umdereath. If you can set ceramic tile (super easy to glue it on and then grout - lots of U-tube tutorials) you can do a fast tile job for a counter top. Buy 12" tiles and they will fit exactly 2 to the depth of a base cabinet which is 24" deep. By making sure that the counter top is in 12" increments, you won't have to cut tiles. If you want an edging you can use hardwood molding around the edges if the plywood. If the cabinets are not the color you want just paint them. Islands in contrasting colors to the existing kitchen cabinets are stylish.

Of course, if you are planning to redo your kitchen eventually, then using a work bench with drawers means that it can be relocated to the garage or barn later.


True BYH Addict
Golden Herd Member
Sep 20, 2024
Reaction score
Eastern NC
I think you are right to cull out the Mini Saanens and stick with the good LaManchas you have. Your LaManchas are from xlt bloodlines with milk *s and you have just brought a couple of top bucks.

As to the kitchen island, instead of buying workbenches, do you have a Habitat for Humanity near you? They often have new stuff. The drawback is that you have to go there several times month to heck for the good buys. But if you can find some base cabinets (even decent used ones) you can do what I am doing which is attach them together to make a kitchen island. Once they are attached together, you cut a piece of plywood to fit on top and then put on a counter top. Lowes has 24" butcher block pieces which can be cut to sie and installed by screwing them on from umdereath. If you can set ceramic tile (super easy to glue it on and then grout - lots of U-tube tutorials) you can do a fast tile job for a counter top. Buy 12" tiles and they will fit exactly 2 to the depth of a base cabinet which is 24" deep. By making sure that the counter top is in 12" increments, you won't have to cut tiles. If you want an edging you can use hardwood molding around the edges if the plywood. If the cabinets are not the color you want just paint them. Islands in contrasting colors to the existing kitchen cabinets are stylish.

Of course, if you are planning to redo your kitchen eventually, then using a work bench with drawers means that it can be relocated to the garage or barn later.
I like how you think.