rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
I've been thinking of you, RH. With so many layoffs and you all being kinda sorta train ride close to the DC area (I think I remember that...), I'm worried about your hubs.

Now I'll be worrying about the poor goat and her udder.
Thanks. DH trains in through DC and works in Arlington near the Pentagon so I'm worried too. There's also a govt office in German town (nuclear, I think) where a lot of our friends work so we're never far from something.

Doyou use a teat dip on your does? Sometimes helps to seal off the teats.
I'll give it my best. I have some fight back and I also got teat tape. In theory if I can get her to stretch maybe she'll be of some use to someone.

The leaking doe just kidded buck doe twins and is still a hand standing witch about milking, and my hands are sore from removing some bushes/trees from the front yard today so whatever is in her udder is going to sit there until tomorrow. The kids got some frozen and some replacement colostrum.


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Attempted to milk the leaking doe today. I've been spoiled with both my lamanchas and my ND (went up a few quality grades this time since I started). She wound up with both rear legs tied far behind her down to the stand while the milker worked because she was such a witch (udder bumped her out good too). Went to strip her out and she made a huge mess tipping the bucket with her front feet that were not tied because why would you tie her front feet? So I lost my temper and rage shaved her udder and now she looks like a fuzzy show queen (goats HATE having their udders shaved). She eventually quit being hateful and gave up. If I can get her udder to stretch through a few empty fill cycles to and she's no longer getting sticky I'll list her for cheap with full disclosure and get her gone and let someone else breed up with her. Snooter leaked colostrum when she threw a fit too (good reason to let both cousins go) and now she doesn't as far as I can tell. I'll list her bottle kids as soon as they're strong on the bottle. Dam raised leaking mini Saanen brats may not be the way to go.

The last pregnant doe is Hope, a 50% mini Saanen I bred and bottle fed and while she's cow hocked she's a lot easier to deal with than either of them and likes people in that opinionated, judgmental, aloof Saanen way. She's bred to her daddy (was supposed to be bred to Beaul, the pedigree-less) so we should be able to get an idea of Oberon carries anything like multiple teats or bite issues. Resulting kids will probably be less inbred than most nubians and Nigerian dwarves out there due to Hope being a complete outcross, but I doubt that will matter to anyone.

I brought in these mini Saanens because I loved my Iris that I got from the same breeder (culled for mastitis). I guess she was one in a million. Even the one I bred wasn't the same.

Kidding season is almost over! Then it's onto selling extras so we can get onto focusing on milking and kid rearing. And vacation avoiding.