I never bred her. This last year I did think it might be worth it to have a goose or 2 with her longevity but I only breed sebastopols and they are a medium goose so they would have been mixed with smaller genes... I don't like geese enough to invest in an embden gander. One gander on the property is more than enough personality for me!
We had actually soft boiled the goose eggs for breakfast and even my DS3 couldn't finish that one!!! He has eaten as much as a grown man since he was 3 years old, but one Abby egg had him!
Had a couple friends over last night for mimosas and wine, and home made scones.
B brought her puppy (sister to our little one) so they ran and rambunctioused all over our feet for a few hours.
My BFF came too and we just sat outside, drank and enjoyed the cooler dark, calm, quiet that country living offers.
I "cleaned" the house the night before, by that I mean, ' just as clean as my house ever gets'. But my friends know and if they cared, they wouldn't come, so its all good. I got to show off the newly painted rooms.
I am planning on joining some folks for a camping trip this weekend. I am bringing all the booze in the cupboard that I won't drink... spring cleaning at its finest! And that folks, is how to properly clean your house and earn brownie points at the same time!!!!
There was a forest fire close enough that the first camp ground area was closed so we had to choose a different one, but the place we found was really nice. It was a super laid back weekend. Everyone was so easy going, lots of really good food, drinks, snacks, campfires, deflated air mattresses, camping coffee, lots of dogs (10)....
I took my camera and got alot of really good pics... My internet and computer are too slow or I would share more of them.
Here is a pic of our whole group... I'm the one in the middle with the Tweety visor, pink shirt, big boobs .