Ragdollcatlady's Just a Little Patch of Weeds Farm journal

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
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North Carolina
My Dh was not a dog person... but dogs like him. When we met I had a kennel etc... ummm no dogs, no me. :)
Happy to say we have 11 dogs, 1 cat, a bajillion goats, poultry.

My Dh says "Badger" 160 lb Pyr is his therapy dog... and Badge is that is "Daddy" in his eyes. DH loves the dogs, not so much the feed bill or vet bills but LOVES the dogs. Did I mention he is actually allergic to most all animals?

So... um, no to Alaska. :p You will be too isolated from everyone everywhere... that is sketchy IMO. Sorry, had to say it. :hide

Glad your boys are coming home! :)


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Well then @Latestarter , you and the Pirate Queen Captain Barbosa would probably end up in a biting match... :p I love her but it is a very unhealthy and unbalanced relationship, (probably cause she only has 3 legs but is still faster than me). I love her, she hates me, I feed her, she hates me, I pay her vet bills, she hates me, I try and pet her, she kisses me with her teeth :D =D.... We just have one of THOSE kinds of relationships! :lol:

And my outside cats still eat plenty of cat food, but they keep the mice, and lizards from invading my house and keep gopher numbers down. I wasn't aware they kept the lizards out of the house til Despereaux died and we were suddenly overwhelmed with lizards getting into the house !!! :barnieTurned Ladybug out (Michonne lends an occasional paw too, but only for an hour or 2), and now they aren't an issue as much.

Re Alaska: I see some very compatible things and some stark differences too. Guess I will just have to see how/if things develop from here. But he wouldn't move, its Alaska or no.

My cats have been with me for a long time (some for 16-17 years), joys, heartaches and everything in between, and they will still be there for many more. :love

Tonight my kid and I put up the Christmas tree and we were talking. The subject started out with a neighbor that brought by some wood for me and saw I had a trailer full of hay right then. He offered to unload it for me. It was a very nice gesture, but I politely declined, pointing to my 'biceps' :p and said that if I wanted to find myself a man, I needed to work these muscles out so I can show them off!!! :gigWe both had a good laugh over that one! DS3 agreed that it would be great if I found someone that didn't mind unloading and stacking the hay even though I can totally do it myself ... but then he said "what if you find someone that ALREADY has hay!!??!!??" What?!?!:ep There are people out there that already???... Well... I mean... that is a crazy thought right there! But oh the possibility was beautiful! :love


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Gosh lady... I never realized you were into S&M.... (your Captain Barbosa). There are some cats I have seen crossing my property and I haven't felt the urge to shoot them (yet). I'm actually hoping that they'll kill some of the damned moles/voles that are tunneling my place to hell and back. Wow... if you find a guy that already has hay... Just can't imagine ;) It would be like owning a truck that isn't always emptying your bank account huh? :hide Have you tried the online match making place that's on the TV all the time? The one where you have to answer like 500 questions? I think it's free to start but then you need to pay to communicate with any matches. But they all the time offer "free weekends" where you can communicate for free. But then I guess you better drink a LOT of caffeinated stuff to stay awake and make the most of the free 72 hour period...

Anyway...I couldn't outrun a 3 legged cat either. :confused: But I wouldn't be giving her any reason to bite me either... I won't do any of those things you do to bring it on.:idunno


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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Anyway...I couldn't outrun a 3 legged cat either. :confused: But I wouldn't be giving her any reason to bite me either... I won't do any of those things you do to bring it on.:idunno

Well, I love her, so I just keep doing them.... That is what mothers do you know! :old

And yes, on the dating sites, I have given up on the farmer one cause there aren't really farmer types on there anyways, mostly hunters and armchair outdoorsman..... Not really what I am searching for... (except for McDreamy!!!:hide I'd so drop everything if he got back to me, my brain still short circuits when I see his picture:love.... but I stopped holding my breath after like a minute and a half cause I was getting dizzy! LOL!) Oh well.

So I am on the next site and yeah it is a bit expensive. I don't know if I like it all that much better, but I guess I will see. Some of their questions were dumb or could have a different answer depending on the day, hour or who they were referring to. I mean , I want to be surrounded by MY people always... but I don't actually like OTHER people, you know strangers.... so I think some assessments about me might be off cause the answers were really only valid to the moment I took the test... (leave it to me to fail an open ended personality test! LOL!) From what I hear, there are actually a lot of sites out there.... but I am only looking for one man. Just one good one, that is all I want, then I can stop looking again. :old

No progress on poor Randall yet... still in injury bay.

Poor little Dunky came up to me with frost on her ears and coat the other morning. My neighbor said it got down to 17 degrees out here that night. I believe him!

I cooked the second goat roast today. I used a 200 degree oven for 12 hours. Fell off the bone! :drool I read that I could try an even lower temp since I was planning on cooking it for so long, but maybe next time.

So I got the most inappropriate gift at the work White Elephant gift exchange.... a "Little Wizzer" liquor dispenser. :thYep.... Sooooo gonna regift that one! I think my oldest son would think it is hilarious! I'll let you know, he is coming down later this week.

I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas, that y'all get to spend time with your loved ones and that you don't get a "little wizzer"..... :hide


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Alaska and I talked some more tonight. I am really liking him more and more.

To tell the truth, he was a little offended by the "can't trust a guy that doesn't like cats" kind of feeling on here... but at least we are honest... and besides, y'all are all I got looking out for me! I gotta take the concern where I can get it! ;) He said we could fence an area of his property for the goats and farm animals and maybe figure something out for the cats... but he doesn't want to smell cat boxes. Honestly, for many years, most people never knew we even had cats, let alone how many.... My 2 oldest don't have too much longer as we are on borrowed time already, have been for the last few years, but there will always be some cats in my life. We are still quite a ways out even if I do decide to move that way so there is time to figure things out. He might actually get jealous of Skye, as he is quite the demanding type of cat-dog and requires alot of my attention....
I did mention to him that I think 6 more kids would be just right...:ep he suggested maybe 2... :lol: It wasn't a "no or a none" so I think we are OK.... and I'll tell you a secret... :ducI had one kid then twins, skipped right over 2 kids and went straight to 3 before, so maybe I'll just pull a nigerian doe trick and see what happens!!! :gig

So far he hasn't run for the hills after getting to know me better... I mean he already lives past the hills.... Not sure how much further he could run if he wanted to.....o_O
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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
:fl You went from talking goats and livestock to talking kids and I must confess I wasn't in initially sure which breed you were talking about. Figured it out though :D


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
Perhaps Mr. Alaska has gone to people's houses with cats where the people don't clean the litter boxes regularly. Some people wait until it is too full of stuff for the poor cat to be able to use it:th:smack

OF COURSE it is :sick Some people keep them in the basement so they don't have to smell them. Of course they don't go down to clean them real often either because it is inconvenient. Made your own stinky bed there didn't you!

We scoop our 3 inside boxes AT LEAST twice a day. Yeah we have 4 cats now but we did the same when we had only one. At our last house one litter box was right next to the trash compactor. Went there several times a day and "Hey, I'm here, might as well scoop". The big covered box we have now is right next to the toilet in the downstairs bathroom. Again, a place we JUST MIGHT happen to be in several times a day ;)

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
:lol: no scooping for me.
Mitty (our cat) goes to the door, meows, we let her out to do her business.
Then she comes back and scratches and we let her in. Simple, no smell... great- like a dog.:D
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