Ragdollcatlady's Just a Little Patch of Weeds Farm journal


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Happy New years everyone!

We made it to Texas and back home again.

I did 'lose my lunch' as soon as I stepped off the plane in Texas... but after the last 20 minutes of the flight, banking hard one direction, then again the opposite direction right after, I am not surprised. Of all the miles I have traveled this year.... I am really impressed by my own fortitude... and the power of ginger beer ;). Aside from that one episode, I did OK with most of the travel, but I did consume incredible amounts of ginger beer, nearly every car ride had me just a tad bit nauseous. Apparently roads in Texas are designed by someone throwing some spaghetti down on the map and then building roads according to those squiggles. :duc

Meeting the family went fine, they are were all very nice.

The kidlets (ages 3 and 5) became my personal hair stylists.... a thousand brush strokes a day, all the hair clips I brought with me and just a touch of whiplash... ;)

My hair was supposed to be natural down to my neck, then fade to purple... I sent a pic to the stylist, who said she could definitely do that. Except she didn't. But by the time the bleach was done, it was clear she had done the color too high, so I just let her finish what she started. The purple was the color I asked for, so that was good. I decided I was going to pretend I was a super hero. I hear all the new movies with super hero chicks have crazy colored hair, so I should be one too! Anyone know of any goat related super hero chicks?

Stuff we did in Texas:
Bowling... Im pretty bad at that. I got a sixety something, eighty something and then a 101! :weeeI usually bowl with my left, but Alaska wanted me to bowl with my right. That is a little painful, so I only did about half with my right. If I remember correctly, I think I usually bowl primarily left. I think it has been 10 years or so since I bowled though.

We went to the flea market. I love junk shopping. We found a couple of small treasures.

We went to the Alamo and went on the Riverwalk ferry tour. Got to hear alot of the history of the buildings in the area. But my favorite part was seeing the horse drawn carriages, decked out in lights looking like cinderellas carriage.

We went to a San Antonio Rampage hockey game. They were playing as Los Chimuelos. Apparently that means toothless! :lol: It was a special event they did (playing under the name of Los Chimuelos for a day of the dead celebration) and it was such a big hit, they added a few more games under that guise. Alaska had booked a suite for the game that included rides on the zambonis for his mom and kid. It was a birthday surprise for his mom and she had just finished telling me that she always wanted to drive the Zambonis, when they came in to tell her she was going to get to ride on one! :clap

We went to the natural caverns... some seriously big holes in the ground.... 185 feet deep underground with crazy rock formations caused by water moving through the rock and depositing the minerals along the way. Basically room upon room of underground space.

We explored Gruene, an old town with some historical buildings, saw some of the rivers and old bridges in another nearby town.

We went to a Bucees. Apparently that is a giant gas station with fancy bathrooms and LOTS of stuff for sale in their store. We saw Santa and Bucee while we were there.

Apparently for the new year, Texans like to set off the big fireworks... in the neighborhoods. But they were pretty! :old

And I got to meet my friend @Latestarter ! Thanks for driving all that way just for a short visit, it was great to finally meet face to face. :frow We went to Blacks BBQ, a little place with quite the reputation, :drool by the food, I can see why!

We did make it home safely, thought the storms had one of our flights delayed by 3 hours. We got home about 1 AM, fell asleep just after 2, my kid woke us up bout 330...:thHe had found a chilly little kitten in the middle of the road while riding his bike home from the late shift at work.... on a 27 degree night. :thKitten was fine. Adorable and had the best/craziest personality! I finally found his home... Thanks to facebook!!!! His little girl had been devastated and was so relieved to get him back. :love


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Glad to hear that your Christmas vacation went so well! Very happy that I finally got to meet you (& Alaska). That's amazing about the kitten and finding the owner. Very nice! I guess now you need to settle back into the daily routine once more. Hope Al's trip back north to the winter wonderland went well.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
We explored Gruene, an old town with some historical buildings, saw some of the rivers and old bridges in another nearby town.

A wonderful place, with a historic dancehall. I've been there many times, tho in summer, it can get really really distressing from all the SA and Austin tourists doing their tubing on the Guadalupe river.
(Used to be such a nice quiet small out-of-the-way place when I lived/worked farther West, and then it "got discovered" ..first by the yuppies and now, by the New Age weirdos and Millennials.)


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
Alaska had booked a suite for the game that included rides on the zambonis for his mom and kid. It was a birthday surprise for his mom and she had just finished telling me that she always wanted to drive the Zambonis, when they came in to tell her she was going to get to ride on one! :clap

first by the yuppies and now, by the New Age weirdos and Millennials.)
You calling @ragdollcatlady a New Age weirdo?? ;)


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
So I had a horrible, no good, very bad day, the other day... all day. And no it isn't because @greybeard may or may not have referred to me as a yuppie, new age weirdo or millennial !!!:old:lol:

I woke up and couldn't find my glasses. My one pair. That I use every day. I mean EVERY day. For years. I was late for work cause I even stopped by the gym to see if I left them there... I distinctly recalled taking them off the night before while working out, but did not remember putting them back on. (Turns out they were stuck somewhere in the couch, probably from when I fell asleep there the night before :old)

Then I was supposed to leave straight from work at lunch time to deal with some legal stuff, but just before I left, I was notified that we had a work meeting at lunch time and I was supposed to do the safety portion of it. :barnieThankfully I had brought my clothes to change, but my boss holding me back half an hour sent my stress level beyond the roof. I already had severe anxiety and was feeling an incredible amount of distress from the situation and could have done without the added stress of potentially running late. I made it in time and things went well for me but yikes!:th

Then, my kid and I went to do laundry at the laundromat, only to find out they were having issues and were shut down, temporarily. So we bought him a new pair of work pants for that night, made do with the shirt he had and I went and ordered a pair of washer/dryer machines to be delivered next weekend. I was trying to make it work for now, I mean I just had to get a new refrigerator, so I was hoping to pay that off first. However, my boss is planning on switching to uniforms here soon and I won't have the "luxury" of going to the laundromat every other week (we will be provided with one weeks worth of uniforms but I believe they are going to be assigned days to wear certain items) and my stress levels are going to increase from that too... Then there is the fact that I actually spend about $80 a month at the laundromat and that could go towards machines and the convenience of doing laundry at home. I did get to the laundromat a couple days later and got caught up for the most part for now, so that is good.

I did go to the gym that night and had a good but short, workout.

But last weekend was good! :) I went to my grandmas and delivered 4 goats to new homes along the way! I took Doodles ( dachshund) to show grandma how she has grown up. Doodles was with us when grandma and I had that very adventurous kind of day with 2 flat tires, on the way to a cousins wedding, that we never made it too.... you remember ?!?! About a year ago, I had just picked up the puppies and was taking grandma to the wedding, going to take the pups with me to grab a coffee and then drive her home after. But me and my luck can't seem to play nice, even for grandma... Oh yeah, so this time, I went to church with grandma and my uncle. Aaaaaand somehow I managed to disrupt the sacrament service...:thMy phone rang in the middle of a nice quiet part. :thAnd it was NOT God calling me... :idunno I never get calls and apparently don't attend church often enough to think about it, so I forgot to turn it off before I went in. :hide Whoops! Thanks for getting me in trouble at church Alaska! :duc

Doodles, loved the trip. Grandma, very specifically, said that Doodles could sleep in the bed with me.... even though she has to be a dog at home, apparently she gets to be a 'grandkid' when she is at grandmas! :plbb She made a great alarm enforcer though. First morning alarm went off and Doodles crept up to my face and played in my hair while trying to lick my face until I got up. o_O Not the biggest fan of licks over here, effective at getting me out of bed though. :old

So my goat herds are currently numbered as such, 7 boers, 3 Nubians, 1 mini boer and 11 nigerians.

And that is where I am.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Congratulations on downsizing as much as you already have! That's a HUGE step and I'm sure you felt every bit of it! I'm sure it's going to just get more difficult as you continue. :hugs Sorry about all the stressors and anxiety... Seems that's the way things go though... Domino effect. and it all just piles on.