Ragdollcatlady's Just a Little Patch of Weeds Farm journal


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
When you are the favorite kid.... and you freak out your mom, you get to watch the news and take a nap in the best spot in the whole house!

It was in the hundred plus degrees today, so little boys napped in the house with the air on, from noon, til I got home. Took them out to mom and didn't think too much more about it. Little later, while feeding the herd, my little Summer Romance kid tried to get a drink from mom, but she was busy eating and not really letting him. I thought I'd offer bottles just in case he isn't getting enough. He did drink most of a bottle, but then brother kicked him in the ear and he started screaming like he was in pain, shaking some, clearly in distress. I was still feeding him when it happened, but he wouldn't settle down, so I brought him in for some support and treatment. I'm hoping it was just a little drama and maybe some dehydration. And if he isn't getting enough milk, he can always take the bottles, though he hasn't been super enthusiastic about them, so I figured he was getting enough..... this one is giving me gray hairs!

The bottle I mixed for him just now, was chugged with a lot more enthusiasm than the last one.


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Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Ummm…. I don't have a remote and I only get the free, over the air channels so I don't even change it, just turn it on, if its boring, turn it off... :D =D

Thanks for the compliments @CntryBoy777 ! I love my boers too. The kid above is one of my Nubians, which is the problem. I have a small handful of boers right now, so if I loved one those buck kids, no problem, but I only have 3 nubians, 2 of those being this kids parents….. But I love him! Even his brother has a little better body style and size, and a more outgoing personality....But this kid is just mine!!! I LOVE HIM! :love:hide

I do want at least one more Nubian doe (possibly 2), from a very specific farm.... but I was thinking of waiting another year or 2. By then, this kid could be a nice breeding prospect :old. I honestly prefer raising dairy goats, it is just different from raising the meat goats. The boers are beautiful, big and chill, but the dairy goats are sooo people oriented, and Fancy is just a straight up, joy to own.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
I was wondering if ya remember Mr Sinister?....and if so, do ya know how he has matured?.....he was really a nice looking boy....and I was trying to figure a way to get him from ya....:love


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I do remember Mr Sinister.... his registered name ended up being Wise Guy. Ill look right now to see if the buyer still has him. She said he took a little longer to grow, but that he was turning out beautifully.

I cant find her website.... I know she sold Katastrophe Jane and her doe kid to a friend of ours. Katastrophe was Janes C-Section baby. They went to a family that bought Versace, Armanis brother, as their first Nigerian sire years ago, and they got this one KJ, that was from us originally, and then they bought Reesa one of my foundation does and her doe kid this last year as I was downsizing. They had admired Reese for years so they snatched her up. I don't think I could have parted with that old girl any other way. She earned her keep for sure.

Anyhow back to the boers, I searched for her farm name and it isn't showing any website so maybe she is out of goats again. He was a registered 98 percent and his listing is still active with ABGA. It isn't showing any other transfers.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
She had sent me pics of him all grown up... but that was a whole cell phone ago... me n toasters, ya know! no idea if I could still access those pics if I wanted to.... if I even knew where they were! :idunno


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Thanks for the trouble....I was just wondering about him and how he turned out....I have to enjoy others animals, since things have changed and I only have Gabbie to enjoy know, she is our gsd...the one in my avatar....:love.....we had to part with the goats, ducks, and chickens....and the property, we just livin on "memories" and pics now....thanks again, ya are a Champ!!....and have always been....:)


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
OK... So... raise your hand if you have ever been kicked in the mouth by a baby goat and had your tooth knocked out?.... (raising my hand) ME, ME, PICK ME!!!! :th um yeah. So this was yesterday. I was putting the babies in their crate for after noon naps and one kicked his feet back as he was going into the crate and caught me right in the kisser! Immediate fat lip and about half an hour later, my crown fell off! :barnie

Glued it back on with temp stuff.... :hide just like I have been doing for the last 10 years :hide:hide:hide it has been 24 years since it was initially installed and I need to have it redone. But even when I had insurance it was going to cost me a couple thousand dollars out of pocket to redo it. I have got life to live and hay to buy! I can't spend that much on a fake tooth! At least not when I got a $7 fix at any drug store :old. (As long as I don't ever lose the actual crown when it comes out of course!)

OK, Ok, now raise your hand if you were woken up on your day off, by a text from a 35 year old dufus coworker, wanting you to tell the boss that she wasn't coming to work today because she is sick!?!? (Me raising my hand again!) My phone pinged, I reached for it, dogs knew I was awake and decided they needed to go out immediately, so there was no going back to sleep after seeing the ridiculous text from said coworker. So I did what any normal, angry, woken up too early on my day off, human would do and kicked her cucaracha to the moon! :smackNo, I didn't do that, :thI did however send a not so passive, maybe slightly aggressive text though, letting her know that I could not help her with that, she would need to call (name of business where we are both currently employed) at (phone number of said business) and talk to (bosses name) to let him know. And to please not text me at x o'clock in the morning on my day off as I would have preferred to try to sleep in. :\ SERIOUSLY! You are not my child or spouse that is dying from vomit or explosive diarrhea in front of me and unable to call in for yourself.... so why would I call in for you? The stupid part is, you don't even have to talk to the boss. If you call early enough, you can leave a message with the answering service, or you can just tell whichever coworker answers the phone to pass on the message... our boss is that chill about it, and surely, coughing out a few words over the phone takes less time and effort than texting the whole thing to me (including the sad emoji) right? :idunno

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