Ragdollcatlady's Just a Little Patch of Weeds Farm journal


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
UUUUUMMMMM.... guys? I got another toaster issue. :th:th:thsoooo the other night, I threw that loaf of bread in the oven and it (the oven) was acting weird.... I cant explain how, I mean its a toaster. It was toastering weird OK? But it was smoking a smidge too, I thought it might just have been some of the oil on the cast iron dutch oven, so when the smoke dissipated within just a few minutes and the oven did its toastery thing in a reasonable fashion, I let it go. But I just tried to put the garlic bombs in the oven and it is not getting above 240 degrees!!!! :th:th:thWithin the last year I have had to get a new washer, dryer and fridge (remember I exploded stuff the first 24 hours with my new fridge?!?!).... I would love a new oven …. but not right now!!!!

And then I put the pipes back together under the sink... they leak a smidge, I can retape and try to tighten all those.... but it is still draining very slowly. But it is draining...:\ I would rather not call a plumber if we can avoid it. I think I will try one more drain cleaner, and if it doesn't work, I'll call. :th

Can I just say :th:th:th?


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
It does seem that everything is hitting the fan all at once!

Re the toaster oven, no idea for sure but I wonder if it has multiple heating elements and one of them fried.

Kitchen sink? Um, you never put any grease down the drain right? Seems like when you have the trap off (which I ASSUME you cleaned out) you want to run a snake down the pipe. That is what the plumber would start with. I also ASSUME that every other drain in the house is working well, meaning that the problem isn't "downstream" of where the kitchen sink connects to the bigger pipe. Given your pipes are apparently kinda old, I would be using any sort of pressure to clean them.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
You have had a series of bad days...….. it is time to swing back the other way and give you some good days.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
If it is the regular sized oven, it could be an element or thermostat....both are fairly cheap and easy to replace....usually a couple of screws or hex head bolt...small things that hold them in, unplug the wires and put them on the new part and the screws back in to hold them.....with the drain, are ya on a public system or septic of some sort?....is it a double sink?....if so, is the problem with both sides or just one?......


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Regarding the sink, I have been arguing with these drains since we moved in. Things were worse with more kids in the house since they don't pay the plumbing bills, they really don't care too much if chunks of food or greasy stuff "falls" down the drain by accident/purpose/whatever. I of course, being the repair bill payer, am a terribly particular about wiping the bits of food and such from plates to the trash before washing or rinsing stuff to be sure the drains are well cared for. I always wipe out as much grease from pans before a good scrub with heavy duty grease cutting soaps to try and be sure it doesn't resettle in the pipes. I am on a private septic system, so I try to conscious of what I put down the pipes with regards to that too. I had removed all the pipes under the sink, they were all in decent shape, the furthest one a little gummy, but not near enough to be backing up the whole drain. I did run a snake through the pipe into the wall, but I tried to be careful not to go to far, as the main line is only down about a foot or 2 past that opening and I didn't want to get the snake stuck at that connection. I just put some drain clear stuff down, Ill flush it through here in a few and cross my fingers.:fl And the bathroom sink, down the line, is fine.

As for the oven.... she has been a hot mess for awhile. My repair guy apparently quit the business so I have noone to call to see about patching her up. A few of her longstanding health issues included a nonfunctioning burner that was already examined and found to be not worth the expense to repair, a broken convection fan several years out of service, a broken door (years ago the Exs dogs had used it as a step to reach the ready to cook pumpkin chocolate chip scones that were supposed to be for our Christmas breakfast... while we were at church. After I had asked him to put them outside. :he) and the light no longer worked ( I did replace the bulb but it still wasn't working). The door never really closed well after the incident, so I always had to come back and shove it hard with my hip, to get it just right. An actual pain in the arse. :old So I just broke down and ordered a new one, to be delivered tomorrow. I would have preferred to wait as I really want a built in oven (possibly a double) into my row of cabinets with more counterspace/workspace to put hot items nearby, and a separate cooktop, again with more workspace nearby. But those units together, would cost 3x more for even the economy versions of the one I can get that is a freestanding unit. So no remodeling for now.

My coworkers ate the garlic bombs …. and noone was disappointed in them but me, apparently. They did make a comment of 'if this is what she can do with a broken oven, imagine what she can do with a functioning one!' And they were all gone, so I guess that means they really were ok. :thumbsup