Ragdollcatlady's Just a Little Patch of Weeds Farm journal


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
So there is this thing....

Apparently, in the middle of the night while I am deep asleep.....there is this phenomenon that transpires on my bed....... Picture something along the lines of "Kitten Fight Club".... but with OtterPop as the exclusive club member. Spinning, jumping, rolling and flying..... faster than my brain can comprehend while still mostly unconscious ..... all by himself...... on top of my poor sleeping body.... If I estimate correctly, I do believe he wins every fight, but he is never any worse for the wear come morning..... :th

I didnt realize how sad my soul has been. It is difficult for me to safely navigate the stairs so i havent seen my goats in weeks. I stumbled with my crutches on the back steps a few weeks ago, a little bumped up but not too bad, as well as an incident from several years ago when I completely fell down those same steps and seriously injured my hip, so I am very cautious about trying to get down those. But the front steps arent as steep so I had my son accompany me down the front steps and help me get around to the back yard this afternoon using my 'Harley' (the knee cam). I literally had tears in my eyes by the time we made it to my bucks. I missed my goats, but I hadnt realized how much. I was only out for maybe 20 minutes tops but man! That was so good for my heart and soul to see my friends. My son affectionately offered to help me get out there for a little bit every day after both of us laughed about how emotional I got over getting to love on my beautiful kids.

I am so grateful to have my sons assistance right now, it is a real blessing having him home.:love


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I’m so happy for you that you got to visit with your goats. How sad to not be able to have that time with them. I sit on a milk crate in my sheep barn, those gentle creatures will come to me foe scratches and attention. It restores my soul. It’s hard for other people to understand how much we love the time we spend doing mundane chores that they would run away from. I totally understand the tears of happiness. Get well!


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I think it is time for a couple of house goats ;)
Ummm..... in case you havent met me yet,..... it really doesnt take much for me to have house kids! Both my nubian yearling bucks were bottle fed and would still love to follow me right into the kitchen and several of my nubian does would love to come in if given the choice as well. We are due to start kidding any day now, so a real possibility, but hopefully by choice for some lovin' and not due to emergency situations.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I did say we were due to kid any day now.... turns out it was tonight.

I heard Blue Moon calling, but it was near their regular dinner time so I asked my son to run out and feed, and check everyone since we are close to due dates. He came running in saying there was a baby in a puddle. I know he was nervous about attending to the does and kids since he hadnt assisted in a few years. I yelled for my other son to run ahead of us out to the goats. I hobbled out the front door and my son grabbed my harley. We got out to find DS3 holding the tiny little kid from Blue Moon, she is an FF. Unfortunately I didnt see if she was attending to the baby or not. We set about rearranging as it is supposed to rain in the next day or so... moved the boer buck that is set to be butchered in to the pen with the 'real' boys. Took the pen he was in for the new mom and babies since the heat lamp is already set up in the little house, perfect for new kids..... So we got her moved in to the new pen and then we waited. I knew she had to have another one since the first one was tiny. Turns out she had 2 more trying to come out at the same time. She was readjusting but refusing to push so i knew something was off. I sorted out the nose and front feet of one kid and shoved the back feet of the other one back in then delivered them both quickly with help from my son. I will check again tomorrow, but it looks like we have 3 girls! OMG! so she is trying to show up everyone else. My favorite doe, FF, first kids of the year, triplets, ALL DOES and trying to deliver them all at the same time. Overachieve much? LOL! ANNNNDDDDDD .... these are my first kids out of my new "kissing line" since Blue Moon and Cowboy Casanova were the 2 kissingest goats we have ever had. All three have lots of color, middle child is tan with moonspots, she is my first choice for retaining.... but not promising to let the others go just yet. I know I should..... but I like options OK?

Baby nubian party.jpg
Triplets for BlueMoon.jpg


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Ummm..... in case you havent met me yet
Of course I haven't, I've not lived in California for 42 years! And you don't live near the relatives I do visit when such things were an option. :D

Congrats on the triplet doelings, glad you have the boys there to help out until you can hobble fast enough to do it on your own.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
This morning we had a baby surprise first thing. Summer Love had a single doeling, delivered and half dry by feeding time. She is also a FF. This kid has ears a mile long and bling too.... a few spots and what looks like paint smeared all down her back with a white skunk stripe down her back, on top of the paint smear. So that is 4 doe kids for Cowboy Casanova, my kissy buck, and 2 have bling. I am very happy with his performance so far!

And so we get them situated and we were checking on the babies, feeding any hungry kids and ready to leave for the Dr to recheck my broken leg, when we see more babies. Delilah one of my prettiest boer does had buck/doe twins, COVERED in dapples. The size and bone difference between the boers and nubian babies is crazy. One boer kid is the size and weight of all three of the triplet nubians squished together. Everyone looks well fed and comfy tonight on our final rounds.

here are a couple shots of Penelope Pussycat (named after Pepe LePews girlfriend)


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  • skunk stripe.jpg
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