Thanks! I love my of my favorite breeds. I can't wait to get a full flock going. Right now I have 4 males (3 are related) and 3 female salmons and one (female )mahogany.
No more new baby goats yet.
We survived the first goat meeting. The mom of our new friend has been the goat judge so she can actually help teach us!!! Yeah for us!
I only got 2 and a half hours of sleep last night....I was in the garage with the mamas waiting for Reese to pop. She started labor sounds and stuff at midnight. I fell asleep in the pen around 1 and woke up 45 minutes later with a baby goat snuggling with me on my blanket. I came in and asked one of the kids to check on the goats in an hour and let me know.....well she had the triplets by then and She and Georgia were both cleaning Reeses kids off. One is crazy tiny (1 lb 14 oz)! I helped dry babies and crawled back to bed by around 5...just to get up a little later to go to work....
I ended up taking Georgia to the vet today. I came home at lunch to check on everyone and she still hadn't passed the placenta. It was 24 hours. So I had to call in to the clinic I work at to tell them I was going to be late getting back because I had to take my goat to the vet....They are in another town about 45 minutes from here. The verdict was that she did in fact retain the placenta and the treatment was Lutealyse and an injection of Excede with another to give her on Sunday. I also asked the vet to take a quick look at Spells little boy. He sometimes sounds a little bit raspy, sometimes like he is breathing hard....Vet says he is OK, nothing to worry about, barely any sound. He thinks it is mostly just breathing fast from stress.
Reeses girls are doing good but Georgia thinks they are hers (she seems to mostly like the one that actually looks more like her than Reese!...though she licks and feeds the little one too...haven't seen the chocolate one near her this evening.)......She bites at and tells Reese off!
I put some pics of the babies on the kidding thread.....
Here is all six.....Top buckskin is Spells girl and the bigger chocolate on the left is Spells boy. They are 4 days old and 5# 6oz, 5# 11 oz......Big buckskin baby boy at the bottom is Georgias baby that arrived yesterday 5# 6 oz.......The three across the middle are Reeses girls....chocolate, light buckskin, Chocolate buckskin (this one is TINY! only 1#14 oz!!!!!)....going to weigh the other 2 pretty soon.....
I realized that I only have chocolate and buckskin babies so far, but out of all my adult Nigerians I have half buckskin because that is my favorite pattern. Even in that pattern, most of my goats look pretty different to me. Georgia and Spellbound look the most alike with black and cream, but Spells blue eyes and moonspots stand out. Reese has the chocolate buckskin but with the red tones, Jax has the chocolate buckskin, Casanova has the black but with red. Now I need a red buckskin!!! And a cream buckskin !!!!
Saturday, the neighbor and I were catching up over the fence about the goats kidding. They had heard one of the mamas hollering for a better part of 2 days and were a bit concerned, knowing they were expecting. I shared our good news and then I had to show them off, so I took the tiny triplets over to play next door for a bit. As I walked past the guys that were cutting down the tree, they all flocked to me and took pictures and wanted to hold them!!! Leave it to baby goats to bring out the softer side of a bunch of of hard working guys! The babies walked around in the living room some but at only 2 days old, they are just cute, not too playful. So I had to go give them back to mamas and bring the rambunctious three over! They were hoping , skipping, jumping, chewing on trinkets and knocking over picture frames, loving on statues.....One peed on the carpet and 2 peed on the couch!!!! But , the neighbor didn't mind. She just cleaned it up and went on laughing at them. Her old goat had died a couple years ago and she was having fun with the babies. If the 2 little boys don't sell as bucks, they will most likely end up living on the other side of the fence with her, (possibly sleeping on the couch!) Especially since they already marked their territory!
I have decided that I should probably sell Spellbounds little blue eyed doeling.I really love the personality of Spells girl though and I was hoping to keep a girl from her to take Nellies spot......but I really want to keep Reeses triplets.....
I think I might keep Reeses kids this time but I might see about letting Stinkerbelle go after she kids. I want the beautiful udders from Reeses line (the lady I got her from shows alot and has BEAUTIFUL goats!) I still like her alot but she has less of the sugary sweet personality that Spells kids have. Spell is one of my better milkers too. So next year I will plan on keeping one from Spell.
I am totally using Spartagus on both Spellbound and Georgia again next year. The legs on this years batch of kids is just to die for! Jane and Reese have nice legs already, so I will plan on using either Jax or Casanova on them.
I just heard that Captain Morgan (the main man from Spartagus and Casanovas line) has passed. He was 12 years old or so. Morgan is the one that is doubled up in my Spartagus. He had quite a few wins and was just a stunning little dude. I am so happy I was able to snatch up Gus when I got the chance.
I sold a batch of silkies so now I can make up my breeding pens! Yeah!
I separated out my geese...I only have Not-so-Gandhi in with Elliot, Willow and Leah. I was sooooo hoping to have another Sebastopol gander by now, but I missed the nice shipping weather to get one from another state.....We already have a couple eggs, so I am testing for fertility. But of course the plug ended up accidentally getting unplugged form the outlet overnight one night so the incubator got cold....waiting to see if everything is OK in there.....