Oh yuck, mouse-es!!! Especially if they touch you.... yuck!!!
Aww! Sad, but happy at the same time that the kids are going to new homes!
Glad your hearing is better!
Happy Mothers day to ALL the moms out there! The hardest job, takes the strongest people! I am so blessed to have a mother and grandmothers that are the strongest women I know. Thank you moms and grandmas, step moms and aunts too, for all the love and support!
I had a crazy loooong Saturday (left home at 8am sat and got back at 3am sun, then still had to milk before heading to bed!), driving north to visit grandmas (and pick up yet more goats!!!) My wonderfully enabling grandmas both said that since it is a tradition (the last 2 years we have done it), they were both expecting me to come buy some goats and visit! I couldn't disappoint those that love me the most right?!? My DS went with for the company and of course helped with the goats. We took Flash to babsbag and she brought us 3 new boers loaded with spots! Thanks babs!!! So now Andy has a new buddy! yeah!
DS said that getting goats for mothers day is perfect...I get exactly what I want and all they have to do is buy a ribbon and tie a bow! The kids and husband did make me breakfast. They made me biscuit, sausage and egg sandwiches, hash browns, fruit, orange juice and coffee. Being queen for the day is nice! I took some goat pics, then took a long nap right after breakfast!
and Bellinis sister
I ended up milking Bailey since she was so full. Her kids had just weaned so I put the milk to good use...for my little pigs (the boer babies), Beefaroni and Bullseye! She wasn't thrilled with milking and I was not that competent at milking her. I never ever milked a large goat before and she has different boer teats. Milk squirted all over and she kicked some. But I think she should come around OK. I am sure I am much more gentle than baby goats.
The neighbor goats think Rocky is pretty good looking! They have been sticking their heads through the fence all day to check him out!
I bet Bailey was like "hey, what's up with this, I'm not a dairy goat" I have heard that Boer's have some great milk so maybe you should taste some and see. I am keeping a 1/2 Boer doeling this year just to see how the milk tastes.
I am glad you are happy with the spots, I feel much better now about our deal now that I threw in Baily to the trade. I think she will do well with your herd. I was thinking on the way home some more about why Bellini and her sister are so small and maybe the genetics just didn't go well when I line bred them. I do it all the time for a one generation and never think about it but maybe this time it backfired. IDK.
Flash is settling in well. I have him with my little orphan LaMancha girl and they seem to get along ok, but he thinks he is a big boy and that she is a big girl, she spends a lot of time under the hay feeder. I want him close and easy to catch so I can love on him before turning him loose with the big buck.
Oh, and you need to fatten Bailey up. She really lost some weight while she was away from my herd. Maybe do a fecal on her; not sure when she was wormed last and she may have been on some irrigated pasture too.
I milked Bailey again 2 times today. This evening she was standing at the gate just a few minutes before her turn. She had walked away by the time I went to get her, but she seems to know her name and was really, mostly cooperative. Assuming she has probably never been milked before, I was downright impressed with our success. Her udder is really chapped right now, so a lot of flakes are getting in the milk... But for the babies it doesn't make a difference. I however, will be waiting until that is all cleared up before taste testing. I love her already. She seems pretty patient with people and lets us pet her. Tonight she was on the stand after milking, licking up the grain dust, and my son went running up the property away from us. She wanted to follow him! It is really cool to be able to walk her without having to bend over..... I can't wait to see her all filled out!
Bellinis sister is adorable and tries to keep right next to Bailey, but sometimes Bailey wants to eat at her own little pile of hay and doesn't want sister around. I am hoping to get sister used to coming out to the milk stand so I can feed her extra, but not sure how she will do. She gets scared easily. She seems timid but she is at the very bottom of the herd and everyone, Hazel in particular, seems to give her a hard time. In the pic I posted above, I think it looks like she is smiling
Sister is certainly a little piggy so she will eat whatever you give her. Bailey was my first spotted goat born here so she was always a little spoiled and much fatter than she is now; she will follow you anywhere for food and she was always a nice solid doe with a shiny slick coat. I think she will do well under your care. Glad that she is helping out with the milk supply. Can hardly wait to see her kids next year.
I was warned to watch that Sister doesn't get her horns stuck, she has a funky horn set and they thought it could easily break if she got caught. IDK; but it does grow close to her head.